
South China > Training

DEI Leadership&Effectiveness Workshop

This workshop focuses on how HR and management can keep up with trends in DEIA practices and apply them in the context of China and Asia. This workshop includes a focus on building organizational and HR capability to support effective workplace processes.

  • 2024-08-21 | 13:30 - 17:00
  • Conference Room 2101, 21/F


European Chamber and Eddic jointly host High-Value Public Courses - Business Empowerment Session
The courses include: New Product Development Project Management, Aligning Organizational and Personal Goals with One Canvas, Tailoring Talent Management to the Enterprise, Learning from Midea: From Strategy to Execution, and Executive Workshop on Enhancing Systematic Business Thinking.

  • 2024-08-19 - 2024-08-22 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Zhihui Art Museum, Yuan Gang Creative Park, Yuan Gang Heng Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, China

【Course Background】
Emotional Intelligence (EQ), also known as emotional quotient, reflects an individual's capacity to understand and manage emotions, both in oneself and others. EQ is crucial for every professional in terms of self-awareness, emotional regulation, and self-motivation in the workplace. It emphasizes understanding and navigating others' emotions, as well as effectively managing workplace interpersonal relationships, demonstrating professional emotional abilities. Without communication, there is no understanding; without understanding, there is no mutual trust. Lack of trust undermines pleasant cooperation, successful management, and certainly diminishes the enhancement of execution capabilities.However, among the myriad EQ courses available online, many focus on mere rhetoric. Many individuals grasp only superficial knowledge and lack understanding of the fundamentals. They struggle to apply these techniques effectively in real-world work scenarios, often resulting in counterproductive outcomes. This course, "Enhancing Emotional Intelligence," is exceptionally suitable for those seeking genuine and effective improvement in EQ.

  • 2024-08-14 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online Training

By 2024, short videos dominate social media, with everyone shopping and engaging through platforms like TikTok and Xiaohongshu. TikTok currently leads, while Xiaohongshu is rising rapidly. As platforms commercialize, acquiring traffic has become costly, and controversial topics are used to attract attention. This leads to the rapid spread of negative company information. If a whistleblower's post goes viral, it can quickly gain traction. Companies also face risks with their social media accounts. This course focuses on crisis management for user rights and personal exposés on Xiaohongshu and TikTok.


  • 2024-08-02 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • European Chamber Guangzhou office

At 15:00 on 2nd August the European Chamber Shenyang Chapter is proud to be hosting our HR Sharing Salon Session III: Activating Learning-Style Organizational Development. The seminar will help HR departments activate their organization’s learning capabilities and facilitate organizational development through Michelin’s unique learning-style development. Our speaker will provide valuable insight into Michelin’s application of ecological evolution in the workplace to develop the necessary flexible and resilient workforce in today’s whirlwind world.

  • 2024-08-02 | 15:00 - 17:30
  • 新华天玺大厦F座 3层新华创新中心 3rd Floor Xinhua Innovation Centre Block F, Xinhua Tianxi Building

Are you looking to advance in your career? Do you want to master industry-leading management and auditing skills? Now is your chance!

We have designed a series of professional training courses to help you gain in-depth knowledge and practical experience in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG), quality management, greenhouse gas verification, and laboratory management.

  • 2024-07-25 - 2024-09-14 | 09:30 - 17:30
  • tbc

This course is tailored for business owners and mid-to-senior management in foreign enterprises, aiming to master the latest trends and strategies in domestic interest e-commerce, content e-commerce, and buyer e-commerce. Ideal for those preparing to expand into new media, the course covers:

Comprehensive Platform Analysis
Practical Business Marketing Techniques
Team Talent Motivation

  • 2024-07-24 | 09:30 - 16:30
  • Yongxinhui, Building 2, Room 2101

在当今快速发展的数字化时代,信息传播的速度和广度达到了前所未有的水平。PPT 作为信息展示和交流的重要工具,其作用已经远远超出了简单的信息传递。它成为了个人专业能力、创意思维以及企业品牌形象的直观体现。一个设计精良、内容丰富、逻辑清晰的 PPT,能够在第一时间吸引观众的注意力,有效传达核心信息,增强说服力。本课程致力于通过前沿的 AI 技术,对PPT 设计和演讲技巧进行全面革新。我们的目标是帮助学员掌握先进的设计工具和方法,提升他们制作和演讲 PPT 的能力,使他们能够在各种商业、教育和公共场合中,以更加专业和吸引人的方式展示自己的思想和成果。
[Course Background]
In today's rapidly evolving digital era, the speed and reach of information dissemination have reached unprecedented levels. As a crucial tool for information presentation and communication, PowerPoint (PPT) has transcended its role of mere information transmission. It has become a tangible reflection of individual professional competence, creative thinking, and corporate brand image. A well-designed, content-rich, and logically structured PPT can immediately capture audience attention, effectively convey core information, and enhance persuasiveness.This course aims to revolutionize PPT design and presentation skills through cutting-edge AI technologies. Our goal is to help participants master advanced design tools and methods, enhancing their ability to create and deliver PPT presentations in a professional and captivating manner across various business, educational, and public settings.

  • 2024-07-23 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online Training

In this world, every drop of blood is the spark of life!

You can join us in spreading love and saving lives. On July 20 (Saturday, 9:00-13:00), Guangzhou United Family Hospital will once again host a blood donation event for the public, and you will receive a complimentary gift for participating in person!

  • 2024-07-20 | 09:00 - 13:00
  • North Lobby of Guangzhou United Family Hospital, No. 31 Pazhou Ave, Haizhu District, Guangzhou, China

European Chamber is organizing a 1-day delegation trip to Zhuhai.
In the morning, we will visit Hengqin Cooperation Zone. In the afternoon, we will visit Jafron Biomedical, a leading biotech company in Gaoxin District.

  • 2024-07-12 | 10:30 - 16:30
  • Hengqin Cooperation Zone Economic Development Bureau Enterprise and Talent Service Center