
Highly effective people are often expected to "think and see things carefully, but also to make decisions and put them into practice."In the face of a diverse and rapidly changing business environment, if our thinking and technology are stuck in place, we often fail to achieve the desired return. The challenges associated with bottom-level thinking involve the process of "deconstructing" information to "reconstructing" it to "focusing" it. In this process, how to consciously cultivate and build an efficient thinking engine suitable for the workplace? Map thinking can be used professionally to provide continuous impetus to the thinking process and to meet new challenges with an open mind.

高效能人士常常被寄予厚望:“既能周密地思考和看待问题,又能果断做出决定并付诸实践”。面对多元而变化飞速的商业环境,若我们的思考技术停滞在原地,常常力倍功半,未能收获理想回报。与底层思考力有关的挑战,都包含对资讯从“解构”到“重构”,再到“聚焦”的过程。 在这个进程中,如何有意识地培养和打造适用于职场的高效思考引擎?我们可以专业地运用导图思考法,为思考进程提供连续不断的动力,以开放的心态迎接各种新挑战。

  • 2023-01-06 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online Training

In the digital age, the organizational operation mode and human resource management of enterprises have undergone great changes. Outstanding enterprises all over the world are rapidly improving the EQ leadership of managers. In an uncertain environment with increasingly limited external resources, managers need to find greater emotional power from employees' hearts, design advanced working mechanism and environment, continuously activate employees' self-drive, and promote the improvement and promotion of enterprise business objectives.


  • 2023-01-05 | 20:00 - 21:00
  • Online Webinar

This is the era of VUCA, with variability, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity bringing great troubles to leaders. Frequently, entrepreneurs and managers are busy, tired and exhausted, but the enterprise profit and cash flow are not ideal. In the face of this complex world, the nine-type leadership provides the constancy in the drastic changes ---- humanity, which becomes a good medicine, allowing us to dig inward, improve, change, surpass ourselves, and make all the impossible possible!

这是 VUCA 的时代,易变性、不确定性、复杂性、模糊性,给 Leaders 带来很大困扰,往往企业家、经理人很忙、很累、很疲惫,但是企业盈利、现金流并不理想。面对这个纷繁复杂的世界,九型领导力提供了剧烈变化中的不变----人性,成为了一剂良药,让我们向内挖潜,提升、改变,超越自己,让所有的不可能变成可能!

  • 2023-01-04 | 20:00 - 21:30
  • Online Webinar