
Like 2016, The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China Shenyang Chapter is honored to invite you and your partner to the “Kick Off 2017 & Local Position Paper KICK OFF“ at 6 pm March 7th at Sofitel Shenyang Lido.

  • 2017-03-07 | 18:00 - 21:00
  • Sofitel Shenyang Lido Hotel

This seminar will be hosted by tax expertise from Price Waterhouse Coopers, and aims to give an overview of practice and impact of B2V so that foreign decision makers can be prepared to embrace the changes and choose the most economical way of running a business in China.

  • 2017-02-28 | 14:30 - 18:00
  • Kempinski Hotel

Join us for a casual evening, catch up with old friends, make new contacts, exchange information, meet chamber members, and extend your network with industry leaders!

  • 2017-02-23 | 18:30 - 21:00
  • Shangri-La Hotel, Liao Cafe香格里拉大酒店辽咖啡

Full of prosperity tea culture, presenting Chinese tea culture history, processing of making tea and tea-tasting culture. Tea art performance, zither performance and tea tasting.


  • 2017-02-18 | 14:00 - 16:00
  • 2nd Floor of Yulong City at Middle Street
Shenyang > Social

Christmas Party

On a land decorated with snow,
in a season when people rarely stay low,
Let’s PARTY!
Drink an Oriental Christmas cocktail,
mixed with glamour, passion, and a nostalgic soul.

  • 2012-12-07 | 20:00 - 22:00
  • Sales Centre of Noble Mansion

Turning the “Triple bottom-line” into a replicable reality

  • 2012-07-23 | 13:30 - 17:00
  • Dynasty Wanxin hotel 沈阳皇朝万鑫酒店

China New Employment Contract Law Seminar

  • 2007-08-17 |
  • China New Employment Contract Law Seminar

Inauguration of the State Demonstration Area of Equipment Manufacturing Development

  • 2007-06-08 |
  • Inauguration of the State Demonstration Area of Equipment Ma