
To further advance the commercialization and large-scale application of innovative energy technologies between China and Europe, the 3rd China-Europe Energy Technology Innovation Cooperation Forum is planned to be held in Guangzhou, China on 27-28 August 2024.About 200 delegates from governments, companies, financial institutes, academies and associations from China and Europe will participate in the Forum, and Mr. Ren Jingdong, the Deputy Administrator of NEA will attend.

  • 2024-08-27 - 2024-08-28 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Huangpu International Convention Center 黄埔国际会议中心
Members only

各大公司的AI工具如雨后春笋般的涌现出来,有写文章的AI、做表格的AI、做PPT的AI、做视频的AI、做设计的AI……标志着生成式人工智能AIGC(Artificial Intelligence Generated Content)时代来领,AIGC将会涉及、影响各种领域和各个行业。

AI tools from major companies are emerging like mushrooms after rain—AI for writing articles, making spreadsheets, creating PPTs, producing videos, and designing. This marks the arrival of the AIGC (Artificial Intelligence Generated Content) era, which will impact and influence various fields and industries.

  • 2024-08-27 - 2024-08-28 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • TÜV Rheinland (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

Topics: 研讨话题:
1. Tax policies review and the risk management focus 税收政策回顾和近期税务风险管理关注重点
—2024 half year key tax policies review 2024年上半年重点税收政策回顾
—Tax risk management key points and tips近期税务风险管理重点及风险提示
—The impact of Golden Tax Phase IV on tax management and case sharing 金税四期对税务管理的影响及案例分享

2. Customs policies review 海关政策法规回顾及征管动态分享
—2024 half-year key customs policies review 2024年上半年重点海关政策回顾
—Overview of the key points of the Law of PRC on Customs Duties and Administration Measures of the PRC on Levying of Taxes by Customs on Imports and Exports (Draft for comments) 海关重要政策解读——《关税法》及《海关进出口货物征税管理办法》(征求意见稿)要点概览
—Recent supervision trends and risk management tips 近期海关监管动态及企业风险管理提示

  • 2024-08-27 | 13:35 - 16:30
  • European Chamber Meeting Room

【Course Background】
In today's modern work environment, effective communication plays a crucial role in various aspects such as daily interactions, document writing, annual summaries, work reports, product presentations, competitive job interviews, proposal presentations, and customer service. Some individuals can attract audiences with impeccable language skills, but real influence lies in the insights and impact generated by their expressions. Particularly in this era of abundant information and widespread individual voices, excellent communication skills are undeniably key to acquiring more resources, seizing opportunities, and enhancing personal value.One of the primary reasons for unclear communication is the lack of structured thinking. Logical thinking is not innate but can be enhanced through systematic training. This logical ability is crucial not only for oral communication but also for work skills such as decision-making, writing, problem-solving, and planning.Therefore, starting from the basics of logical thinking, this course aims to teach a series of practical and targeted communication techniques and methods. Through this learning process, participants will simultaneously enhance their logical thinking and communication abilities. They will develop into professionals with independent insights, keen insights, and influence, enabling them to garner greater support, seize more opportunities in the fiercely competitive workplace environment, and ultimately achieve more fruitful results.

  • 2024-08-27 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online Training


Time Management Course is jointly held by the European Chamber of Commerce in China with TÜV.

Through practical case analysis and interactive discussions, you will learn core skills such as prioritization, task automation, and effective meeting organization, enabling you to easily handle the challenges of a fast-paced work and life environment.

  • 2024-08-26 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • TÜV Rheinland (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

[HR Initiative] Seminar on Physical Exam Customization and Premium Health Insurance Effective Utilization 如何精准定制员工体检套餐及中高管如何高效使用高端医疗保险

  • 2024-08-23 | 14:00 - 16:05
  • Mongolian Yurts Meeting Room, 1/F, Tianjin United Family Hospital

This course aims to help sales staff improve sales efficiency and closing rates through AI technology, thereby achieving gold medal results. The course focuses on using AI tools and technologies to change traditional sales methods, enabling participants to more efficiently and accurately identify and meet customer needs during the sales process, ultimately achieving significant improvements in sales performance supported by AI.本课程旨在帮助销售人员通过AI技术提升销售效率和成交率,从而达到金牌业绩。课程着重于利用AI工具和技术,改变传统销售方法,使学员能够在销售过程中更加高效、精准地识别和满足客户需求,最终实现销售业绩的显著提升。

  • 2024-08-23 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • KIT Suzhou

The 2024 European elections mark the beginning of a new chapter for the European Union. The incoming Members of the European Parliament will be pivotal in appointing key EU positions and will have a significant influence on shaping and enacting new EU legislation. They will also play a critical role in ratifying new trade agreements and policies.

  • 2024-08-22 | 16:00 - 17:30
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office 中国欧盟商会上海办公室 & Teams

Have you ever been in a situation where you feel your communication skills are inadequate to effectively communicate with your colleagues, superiors or customers at work? Have you ever felt confused in order to get along well in a team? Have you ever felt overwhelmed in a negotiation, repeatedly losing and missing opportunities to achieve the desired result?

      If any of these issues resonate with you, then our Communication, Interpersonal and Negotiation Skills training programme will be your key to success!
      The instructor of this course will guide the participants to participate in the discussion through the sharing of real cases and role-plays to inspire them to
       understand the latest interpersonal communication skills and negotiation process from multiple perspectives.

  • 2024-08-22 - 2024-08-23 | 08:00 - 16:30
  • Novotel Shanghai

In today's highly competitive business environment, enterprises are constantly seeking ways to enhance their operational efficiency and reduce costs. This event, titled "Enhancing Enterprise Efficiency and Reducing Costs from the Perspectives of Human Resources and Taxation," aims to provide insights and strategies for companies to achieve these goals. The European Chamber Nanjing and Changzhou International Managers Forum(CZIMF) are pleased to invite the experts from D’Andrea & Partners Legal Counsel and PHC Advisory, to share the insights to you.

  • 2024-08-22 | 18:30 - 20:30
  • Sheraton Changzhou Xinbei Hotel 常州富力喜来登酒店