Press Releases

2015-05-21 > All chapters

European Chamber Welcomes the State Council’s Decision to Improve Internet Speeds

The European Chamber greatly appreciates the firm pledge by the Chinese State Council to increase China’s Internet speeds and to lower prices for Internet services.

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2015-03-18 > All chapters



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2015-03-18 > All chapters

As China’s economy slows, bold reforms must be forthcoming

Beijing, 18th March, 2015 – The European Chamber hopes that the recently concluded lianghui (NPC and CPPCC meetings) will provide renewed impetus to China’s reform drive, that market access will be increased and protectionist policies held in check.

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2015-02-12 > All chapters

Internet Restrictions Increasingly Harmful to Business, say European Companies in China

China’s recent slew of measures to further restrict domestic Internet access is isolating it from the rest of the world and could turn its domestic networks from an internet into an intranet.

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2015-02-12 > All chapters



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2013-11-21 > All chapters

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China welcomes the holding of the EU-China Business Summit

BEIJING, 21st November, 2013 -- The European Union Chamber of Commerce was pleased to co-organise together with the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) the EU-China Business Summit, which was held today at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

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2013-11-20 > All chapters

The Third Plenum Decision is impressive and bold, but further courage of conviction will be required in its implementation

Beijing, 19th November, 2013 - the European Chamber is impressed by the breadth of reforms laid out in the Third Plenum Decision and what it represents in terms of the political will of China’s top leadership. The Third Plenum Decision went beyond the European Chamber’s expectations by giving greater play to the role of market forces in resource allocation, and by vowing to liberalise interest rates and reduce market access barriers.

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2013-11-20 > All chapters


《中共中央重要关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》 (《决定》)中作出的改革幅度以及表现出的中国最高领导层强烈的改革意愿使欧盟商会印象深刻。《决定》进一步明确了市场在资源配置中的决定作用,并宣布政府将放开利率并降低市场准入壁垒,这些都大大超出了欧盟商会的预期。

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