Call For Applicants and FAQ – Sustainable Business Awards 2024 Go back »

  • Time
    2024-06-30 - 2024-06-30 | 00:00 - 24:00
  • Venue:
    Applications are open from 14th May to 30th June 2024 (18:00). The points for late submissions will be deducted. Please download the application form(s) and FAQ on this page and send your application(s) to
  • Address:
    申请时间从2024年5月14日开放至6月30日 (18:00点)。未在规定时间内提交会影响分数。请在本页下载项目申请表,项目申请邮件发至
  • Fee:
    Members: Free
    Non Members: Application fee: 2,500 RMB

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