Upcoming Events

Human resource management needs to be transformed, and human resource management needs to be driven by effectiveness, measured by data, to provide a reference basis for business decision-making while promoting the effectiveness of business management.

  • 2024-09-12 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • address shall be shared before the training

European Chamber Auto Components, Finance and Taxation Working Group are pleased to invite you to upcoming joint working group meeting “Tax and Customs Practice in Auto Sector under the New Tarriff Law Background”, which is taking place on Thursday 12th September at 15:00-16:30, in the European Chamber Shanghai Office and Online.

  • 2024-09-12 - 2024-09-12 | 15:00 - 16:30
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office
Members only

Writing ability is one of the core competencies in marketing promotion. Whether it is a press release for enterprise brand promotion or a product promotion article on WeChat official account, all marketing and brand promotion work cannot be separated from writing. However, many people rarely receive writing training during their learning and employment process after the college entrance examination.
Press releases are the most basic promotional tool for businesses. However, many companies' press releases actually have many grammar errors and non-standard writing, which affect the professional image of the company.
This lesson aims to start with basic skills and help students master the standardized writing of press releases.

  • 2024-09-13 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Zoom Online

Writing ability is one of the core competencies in marketing promotion. Whether it is a press release for enterprise brand promotion or a product promotion article on WeChat official account, all marketing and brand promotion work cannot be separated from writing. However, many people rarely receive writing training during their learning and employment process after the college entrance examination.
Press releases are the most basic promotional tool for businesses. However, many companies' press releases actually have many grammar errors and non-standard writing, which affect the professional image of the company.
This lesson aims to start with basic skills and help students master the standardized writing of press releases.

  • 2024-09-13 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Zoom Online

This workshop will:
Introduce a new, award-winning, dynamic and strategic organisational leadership system
Give an approach which can increase organisational resilience and agility in VUCA times
Enable leaders to raise their game as well as their profile across MNCs
Enhance the ability to be agile and manage “upwards” to get speedier action
Explain a process which can widen the influence of Chinese managers across international borders

  • 2024-09-20 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office


The best way to enhance your inclusive leadership is by empowering and coaching others. ISLC Executive and Leadership Coaching Accreditation Programs (Level One and Level Two) are certified coach training pathways with the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

The Executive and Leadership Coaching Essentials Level One program enables anyone new to coaching, and also experienced coaches seeking recognition, to acquire expertise in conducting effective coaching activities. The Level One journey includes Readings, Discussion, 3-day Module One Program, Peer Coaching Group, and an Essay.

This event is the mentioned Module One program, which is the key component of Level One accreditation program. It begins with pre-reading materials and peer discussions within learning groups. This commences three weeks before this 3-day face-to-face Module One program.

  • 2024-09-20 - 2024-09-22 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Beijing Kunlun Hotel

Environment, Carbon Market, and Banking and Securities (sub-)Working Groups are delighted to invite the Chamber members to join the cross-working group meeting on Sustainable Manufacturing Outlook in China: ESG Regulation and Green Finance, scheduled on Monday 23rd September, 15:00-16:00, at Tomra office in Beijing.

  • 2024-09-23 | 15:00 - 16:30
  • Tomra Office, Beijing
Members only

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China is delighted to invite you to our Shanghai Celebration Dinner on 24th September 2024.
The Shanghai Celebration Dinner is an opportunity to celebrate the close partnership between the European Union (EU) and the city of Shanghai, while connecting with government officials from Shanghai and the neighbouring provinces, members of the European business and diplomatic community and promoting your brand.
Shanghai, being one of the most international cities in China, is home to over 610 member companies of the European Chamber. In 2024, with Shanghai making efforts to optimise business environment and advance market opening, the European community remains deeply engaged in the city’s policy and economic development. Entering the fourth quarter of the year, it is high time to celebrate the achievements made over the past year between European companies, the EU and Chinese stakeholders and look into the future for collaborations to come in 2025.
At the previous dinners, we brought together more than 70 local government officials and a total of 300 participants. We were thrilled to welcome leaders of the Shanghai Municipal Government and various government department leaders, as well as the EU Ambassador to China and EU Consuls General over a business dinner in a unique atmosphere.
This year again, the European Chamber Shanghai is honoured to invite the Head of Delegation of the European Union to the People's Republic of China as guest of honour.
Tickets for the dinner are now on sale. Members can buy individual tickets or tables. Sponsorship opportunities are also available.

  • 2024-09-24 | 17:00 - 20:00
  • BELLAGIO Shanghai by MGM

Course Benefits
Improve the understanding of workplace communication and establish a positive and efficient communication philosophy.
Summarize workplace communication barriers and clarify future strategies for improving communication.
Understand the significance of communication mindset and cultivate a positive communication attitude.
Master psychological techniques such as strategic communication, subconscious communication, and conflict management to enhance effective workplace communication.
Acquire skills for upward communication, lateral communication, and downward communication to improve work performance and team effectiveness.


  • 2024-09-25 - 2024-09-26 | 09:00 - 16:30
  • 北京东直门亚朵S酒店


Course Description:
Through this specially designed 3-hour Business English Meeting course, you will acquire the essential language skills needed to participate in business meetings. This course is tailored for professionals with an intermediate level of English, focusing on practical language used in real-world business meetings.

  • 2024-09-26 | 14:00 - 17:00
  • Online Training/线上培训