Upcoming Events

[A 2-DAY Offline Training] HR Using Data Dialogue with Business Unit [2天线下培训] HR用数据与业务部门对话

  • 2024-10-17 - 2024-10-18 | 09:00 - 16:30
  • Education First(EF) Meeting Room

The European Union Chamber of Commerce South China Chapter is delighted to invite you to the launch event of its European Business in China Position Paper 2024/2025 (Position Paper 2024/2025), on 17th October 2024.

This publication is the culmination of six months dedicated work by our 50 working groups, sub-working groups, desks and for a, compiling a comprehensive summary of the challenges faced by European companies operating in China. It also provides more than 1,000 constructive recommendations to the Chinese government on how to they can be resolved. In short, it provides a blueprint for rebuilding business confidence in the Chinese market and restoring it as the preferred destination for global investment.

Join us to hear the key concerns of European businesses operating in China.

  • 2024-10-17 | 14:00 - 16:30
  • Floor 3, Room Bauhinia. 3楼紫荆厅


Language: Chinese

企业宣传中,文案写作是最基本的工作。除了新闻稿、演讲稿,深度稿的撰写和应用最为广泛。深度稿的英文是feature article。内容涵盖从产品软文到成功案例的各种应用场景。



  • 2024-10-18 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online Training

[A 2-DAY Offline Training] Comprehensive Salary System Model Design with Practical Operation on Computer [2天线下培训] 全面薪酬体系模式设计(电脑实操版)

  • 2024-10-19 - 2024-10-20 | 09:00 - 16:30
  • 3F Meeting Room, Hotel Allseason(Beijing Liuliqiao)

[EHS Seminar] Targeted Measures: Insights on Company Fire Protection & Machine Safety Managing Best Practice Tips 精准施策:解锁企业消防与机械安全管理的实战秘籍

  • 2024-10-22 | 13:30 - 17:30
  • Room 2202 A, 22 floor, Tianjin City Tower, Hexi District

This two-day workshop aims to prepare technical experts changing to a management role and new managers with the leadership skills to build team engagement, performance and consistency.

This workshop emphasizes establishing a leadership essentials, which serves as a tool for new leaders to effectively communicate and collaborate, ensuring the consistent implementation projects, operation and a steady leadership pipelines across the organization.

  • 2024-10-23 - 2024-10-24 | 09:30 - 17:30
  • Shenzhen

EcoVadis是基于可持续发展相关国际标准(如ISO 26000企业社会责任管理体系标准、全球契约原则、全球报告倡议组织标准、GERES原则等),通过线上平台,协助客户评估其供应商可持续表现的一种方式。评估内容包括4大主题(即环境、劳动和人权、商业道德、可持续采购),涉及21项标准。

EcoVadis is a way to assist clients in assessing the sustainability performance of their suppliers through an online platform based on international standards related to sustainability (e.g. ISO 26000 CSR Management System Standard, Global Compact Principles, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, GERES Principles, etc.). The assessment covers four main themes (i.e. environment, labour and human rights, business ethics, sustainable procurement) and involves 21 criteria.

  • 2024-11-07 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • DEKRA Building, No. 3 Qiyun Road, Huangpu District, Guangzhou.

各大公司的AI工具如雨后春笋般的涌现出来,有写文章的AI、做表格的AI、做PPT的AI、做视频的AI、做设计的AI……标志着生成式人工智能AIGC(Artificial Intelligence Generated Content)时代来领,AIGC将会涉及、影响各种领域和各个行业。

AI tools from major companies are emerging like mushrooms after rain—AI for writing articles, making spreadsheets, creating PPTs, producing videos, and designing. This marks the arrival of the AIGC (Artificial Intelligence Generated Content) era, which will impact and influence various fields and industries.

  • 2024-12-05 - 2024-12-06 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • TÜV Rheinland (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd.