Upcoming Events

Many organisations have arranged training courses on sales techniques for their sales staff. However, no matter how enthusiastic and positive the learning, it often seems to remain the same soon after the course, which makes many sales managers who want to cultivate their subordinates quite frustrated. This course is designed to solve this problem for how to actively participate in the sales supervisor, can assist the sales staff to learn and apply, to improve the sales ability, to create Enhance sales ability and create brilliant results.

  • 2024-07-31 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • address shall be shared before the training

Goal Management and Plan Execution is one of the core competencies necessary for managers and leaders. This course is designed to help participants understand the definition and logic of goal management, learn how to set clear goals, and master effective plan execution and control management skills. Through the learning of this course, participants will be able to improve the execution of the team and achieve personal and organisational goals. Success does not wait, but is earned by those who are willing to learn and improve themselves. Act now and let us help you achieve your career goals!

  • 2024-10-30 - 2024-10-31 | 00:00 - 00:00
  • Novotel Shanghai Atlantis