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When the task becomes less clear and there are laws to follow, what we need is a proactive spirit of exploration, rather than 'I do whatever is asked of me', and this requires subordinates to have sufficient internal driving force. As the new generation enters the workplace, they have a strong sense of security and are much more picky about managers and work environments than before. However, the management skills of managers have not improved significantly in proportion. More and more motivational courses are breaking away from the daily management tasks of managers, and discussing motivational skills alone can make managers believe that they need several "carrots" that can work wonders. The course identifies key moments and influencing factors in the process of managers pushing others to accept challenges and achieve goals, and provides methods to inspire others.
1. 当任务变的不那么清晰且有法可依的时候,我们需要的是主动探索精神,而非“让我做什么我就做什么” ,而这需要下属有足够的内在驱动力。
2. 新新人类进入职场,有足够安全感的他们对管理者和工作环境的挑剔远超过从前,然而管理者的管理技能并没有同比例的大幅提升。
3. 越来越多的激励课程跳脱出管理者的日常管理任务,而单独谈激励技巧,会让管理者认为他们需要的是几根能发挥奇效的“胡萝卜”课程从管理者推动他人接受挑战,完成目标的过程中识别关键时刻和影响要素,给出激发他人的方法。

  • 2024-11-22 - 2024-11-23 | 09:00 - 16:30
  • Beijing

Optimal internal logistic processes are critical for an efficient production process: The right material needs to be at the right place in the right quantities at the right time. Guiding principles originating from lean production, such as kanban systems and milk-run, are introduced in this course. Additionally, the transfer of these principles into the digital factory is discussed. The training contents are supported by hands-on application scenarios in our Innovation Center.

  • 2024-11-22 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Industry 4.0 Demonstration and Innovation Center 中德工业4.0技术展示创新中心

In the context of globalization, business English writing has become an indispensable skill in workplace communication. Whether in daily email exchanges or formal report writing, good business English writing skills can not only effectively convey information, but also shape the professional image of individuals and enterprises. This course aims to help students master and improve the key skills of business English writing in the context of the AI intelligent era, and realize efficient and professional business communication through the combination of theory and practice.

  • 2024-11-27 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Teams online