Working Group News

2008-04-19 > All chapters

European Chamber Annual General Meeting 2008

The European Chamber’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Executive Committee elections were held at the EU Delegation in Beijing on Thursday 17th April, with Ambassador Serge Abou, Head of the EU Delegation, acting as Honorary Chair in accordance with our Articles of Association.

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2008-04-18 > All chapters

Materials of the EU-China Workshop on Notification Procedures in Merger Control

Materials of the EU-China Workshop on Notification Procedures in Merger Control

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2008-04-17 > All chapters

China's Economy: Steady Growth in the First Quarter of 2008

Statistics from National Bureau of Statistics of China

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2008-04-16 > All chapters

Living with China - EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson's Speech

EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson's Speech

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2008-04-15 > Shanghai

Meeting with Shanghai Customs

Meeting with Shanghai Customs on Cooperation Strategy 2008

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