Working Group News

2009-01-21 > All chapters

Flows of FDI fall 21%, UN estimates

Global foreign direct investment fell more than a fifth last year, with experts warning that the drop is likely to accelerate as the global recession deepens.

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2009-01-20 > Nanjing

EUCCC Nanjing HR Forum Calendar of Events 2009

Please put these dates in your calendar.

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2009-01-20 > All chapters

Govt offers 10b yuan in subsidies for power sector

China is to provide as much as 10 billion yuan in subsidies to big power companies, the latest effort on the part of the government to help the country's struggling industries.

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2009-01-20 > All chapters

Wen urges steps to reverse slowdown trend

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao on Monday called for more steps in the first quarter this year to reverse the trend of economic slowdown as soon as possible and realize a good start for the whole of 2009.

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2009-01-20 > All chapters

Avian influenza ? situation in China

The Ministry of Health in China has reported 3 new cases of human infection with the H5N1 avian influenza virus.

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2009-01-19 > All chapters

Eurozone economy to shrink by 1.9% this year

The eurozone economy will shrink by 1.9 percent this year due to the ongoing international financial crisis, the European Commission said in its latest economic forecast Monday.

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2009-01-14 > All chapters

China becomes third largest economy

China overtook Germany to become the world’s third-largest economy in 2007 after the Chinese authorities revised upwards the figures for growth during that year.

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2009-01-14 > All chapters

NDRC rules out fuel price cuts

The National Development and Reform Commission has ruled out a further reduction in the prices of gasoline and diesel, despite the fall in global crude prices.

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2009-01-14 > All chapters

NDRC rules out fuel price cuts

The National Development and Reform Commission has ruled out a further reduction in the prices of gasoline and diesel, despite the fall in global crude prices.

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