Working Group News

2007-10-08 > Beijing

European Chamber Beijing Moves to New Office

The Beijing office of the European Chamber has moved to the 4th floor of the Lufthansa Centre. The telephone and fax numbers remain the same.

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2007-10-07 > Beijing

Shanxi Inspection Trip

On 19th September a delegation from the European Chamber visited Shanxi to inspect the new schools built from the proceeds of donations from European Chamber members in 2006.

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2007-09-26 > Shanghai

Excursion to Luchaogang Container Terminal

The Logistics and Trade & Distribution visited the first of the 18 national rail freight hubs to be completed.

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2007-09-25 > All chapters

Presentation of Position Paper to EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson

On 19th September 2007 a delegation from the European Chamber were received by EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson to present the European Chamber's European Business in China Position Paper 2007/2008.

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2007-09-24 > Shanghai

Members meet with European reps from the alcohol industry

On October 15th, the Wine & Spirits Working Group held a meeting with a visiting delegation of the Scotch and Whisky delegation and the Gin & Vodka Association.

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