Advocacy Actions

2017-09-08 > Beijing

Exclusive Dialogue with MOFCOM on Guo Fa [2017] No. 39

The European Chamber hosted an exclusive dialogue with Ye Wei, deputy director general of the Department of Foreign Investment Administration at the MOFCOM to interpret Guo Fa [2017] No. 39.

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2017-09-07 > Beijing

Comments on Requirements of CFDA on labelling in Chinese

Comments were submitted for Public Consultation of CFDA on "Requirement to Write the Name, Address and Site of Production of Imported Medical Devices in Chinese"

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2017-09-07 > Beijing

Meeting with CAMDI and AmCham on Innovation and Quality Management of Medical Devices

CAMDI, the US-China Healthcare Cooperation Program (HCP) associated with AmCham and the Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group of the European Chamber hold a meeting on Innovation and Quality Management of Medical Devices.

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2017-09-06 > Beijing

Comments on Tax Law of Vehicle Purchasing of PRC

On August.7th, Ministry of Finance (MOF) and State Administration of Taxation (SAT) jointly issued the draft of the Tax Law of Vehicle Purchasing for public comments. This Law will replace the existing Interim Regulations on Vehicle Purchasing Tax.

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2017-09-04 > Beijing

Lobby Letter to the NHFPC on Price Negotiations for Disposable Medical Devices

The Healthcare Equipment Working Group sent a lobby letter to the National Health and Family Planning Commission (NHFPC) on central price negotiations for consumable medical devices

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2017-08-31 > Beijing

Comments to Hunan HFPC‘s draft Regulations on "Online Transparent Procurement of High-Value Disposable Medical Devices"

The Healthcare Equipment Working Group submitted comments to the Hunan HFPC‘s draft Regulations on "Online Transparent Procurement of High-Value Disposable Medical Devices"

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2017-08-30 > Beijing

Meeting with Delegation of the European People’s Party

An informative briefing with a delegation of EPP on opening-up and reform in China, business confidence survey, European Chamber’s report on Made in China 2025 report and its position regarding the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment.

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2017-08-28 > All chapters

Meeting with Managing Director of Multilateral Trading System Department of Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

Mr Takeshi Komoto, Managing Director of Multilateral Trading System Department, Trade Policy Bureau of Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, led a delegation to the European Chamber to discuss foreign investment environment in China along with other industry concerns.

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2017-08-25 > Beijing, Nanjing

Lobby Letter to Nanjing HFPC on the Centralised Tendering of High-Value Disposable Medical Devices

The Healthcare Equipment Working Group has sent a Lobby Letter to the Nanjing Health and Family Planning Commission (HFPC) on the Centralised Tendering of High-Value Disposable Medical Devices.

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2017-08-24 > Beijing

Lobby Letter to the People's Court of Shanghai Municipality

EUCCC submitted a lobby letter to the High Court of Shanghai Municipality calling on a uniformed justification on hearing cases of professional whistle blowers.

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