Advocacy Actions

2016-11-03 > Beijing

Meeting with Pudong Market Supervision Bureau

Pudong is going to pilot the non-special imported cosmetics notification, which would be a milestone to realize the equal treatment of non-special imported cosmetic and non-special domestic cosmetics.

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2016-11-02 > All chapters

Seminar: Implementation Regulations of the law on the protection of consumer rights and Interests

The seminar was co-organized by Renmin University on Implementation Regulations of the law on the protection of consumer rights and Interests

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2016-11-02 > Beijing

Meeting with the Director of the Dept. for Innovation and Technology Policy, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Germany

The European Chamber briefed Dr Ole Janssen, Director of the Department for Innovation and Technology Policy, German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, on the opportunities and challenges of the Medical Device and Pharmaceutical Industry in China.

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2016-11-01 > Beijing

AAT Meeting with Department of Drug and Cosmetics Registration Management, CFDA

Chinese regulator, UK government representatives, experts of EU and China and EUCCC representative discussed the animal testing alternative methods verification and validation in China, the current progress and next step plan in the meeting.

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2016-10-31 > Beijing

Comments on CFDA's "Adjustment of Risk Classification of IVD Reagents for Allergens"

The Healthcare Equipment Working Group submitted comments to the CFDA's draft "Adjustment of Risk Classification of IVD Reagents for Allergens".

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2016-10-31 > Beijing

China-Belgium Economic Forum

The Embassy of Belgium extended the invitation to EU SMEs to attend the china-Belgium Economic Forum host by An Bang Finance Group along the visit of Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel.

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2016-10-27 > Beijing

6th EU-China Industrial Dialogue

The 6th EU-China Industrial Dialogue between the Ministry for Industry and Information Technology of China (MIIT) and the European Commission, Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) was held in Beijing on 27 October.

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2016-10-27 > Beijing

Presenting Automotive Industry Concerns to MIIT Vice Commissioner

The Chair of Automotive Working Group, Florence De Goldfiem, was invited to attend the 6th Plenary Meeting of the China-EU Industrial Dialogue and Consultation Mechanism, which was held in Beijing on 27 October 2016 at the World People’s Palace Hotel. Co-chaired by Ms Lowri EVANS, Director General for Internal Market, industry, entrepreneurship and SMEs from EU Comission and Mr XIN Guobin, Vice Commissioner of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China,this high-level dialogue offered the automotive working group an opportunity to report top 3 concerns to MIIT.

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2016-10-27 > Beijing

CFDA Vice Minister Jiao Hong meets Director-General of European Commission DG GROW

CFDA Vice Minister Jiao Hong meets Director-General of European Commission DG GROW, followed by a seminar on Medical Device Regulation

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2016-10-27 > Beijing

Discussion on Hair Dye Products with NIFDC

EU experts and industrial representatives had discussion with local experts on the methods of hair dye products safety assessment and next step cooperation on this subject.

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