Advocacy Actions

2024-07-01 > Beijing

European Chamber representatives meet Director-General at DG ENER Ditte Juul-Joergensen

On 1st July, a group of European Chamber representatives from the energy sector met with Director-General for DG ENER, Ms Ditte Juul-Joergensen, and her team.

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2024-06-28 > Beijing

Roundtable with the Chaoyang District Bureau of Commerce

On 28th June 2024, the European Chamber Beijing Chapter and Chaoyang District Bureau of Commerce held a roundtable for foreign enterprises in the second quarter. The relevant officials from Chaoyang District Bureau of Commerce, District Development and Reform Commission, District Talent Bureau and District Market Supervision Bureau introduced the policies related to "Two Zones" policies in Chaoyang District, industrial policies on investment, talents acquisition, intellectual property protection, tolerance of mistakes and correction of errors for minor offences, and listened to the demands and suggestions of the foreign enterprises.

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2024-06-21 > Beijing, Shanghai

Healthcare Equipment Working Group Provided Feedback to Shaanxi Provincial Healthcare Security Administration

The Healthcare Equipment Working Group provided feedback to the Shaanxi Provincial Healthcare Security Administration on a draft called "Notice on Further Improving the Centralized Purchasing of Medical Consumables by the Shaanxi Provincial Healthcare Security Administration".

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2024-06-21 > Beijing

Online Meeting with NEA and EPPEI on the 3rd China-Europe Energy Technology Innovation Cooperation Forum

On 21st June, European Chamber energy working group representatives joined an online meeting hosted by the China Electric Power Planning & Engineering Institute (EPPEI) to discuss the organisation of the 3rd China-Europe Energy Technology Innovation Cooperation Forum on 27-28 August in Guangzhou.

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2024-06-20 > Beijing, Shanghai

5th Anniversary of the Clinical Real-World Data Application Pilot in Boao Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pilot Zone

On the 20th of June, Jessica attended the Medical Device Real-World Research Closed Door Meeting of the 5th-anniversary meeting of the Clinical Real-World Data Application Pilot at Boao Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pilot Zone.

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2024-06-20 > Beijing, Shanghai

Healthcare Equipment Working Group Provided Feedback to the Healthcare Security Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality

The Healthcare Equipment Working Group provided feedback to the Healthcare Security Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality on "Shenzhen General Medical Service Price Items Catalog (First Batch) (Draft for Comments)".

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2024-06-18 > Beijing

Business Roundtable on Access to Green Electricity for European Business in China

On 18th June 2024, the European ChamberEnergy Working Group and the Sino-German Energy Partnership of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusam-menarbeit (GIZ) jointly organised a business roundtable on access to green electricity for European companies in China.

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2024-06-14 > All chapters

European Chamber Meets with Vice Minister of the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) Tian Shihong

The European Chamber President Jens Eskelund led a delegation to meet with Dr. Tian Shihong, Vice Minister of State Administration for Market Regulation and Administrator of Standardisation Administration of Chinato make an in-depth exchange on the current economic and trade relations and sector specific issues.

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2024-06-13 > Beijing

Energy Working Group Vice Chair Spoke at the Call for Cases on Enterprise Green Electricity Development Paths

On June 13th, Li Yanzhong, Vice Chair of the European Chamber's Energy Working Group, addressed key stakeholders at the Enterprise Green Power Development Path Seminar in Beijing.

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2024-06-13 > All chapters

European Chamber Joins Roundtable with Beijing Vice Mayor Sima Hong

On 13th June 2024, European Chamber Vice President Stefan Bernhart attended a roundtable dialogue with Beijing Vice Mayor Sima Hong. Bernhart outlined the Chamber’s recommendations in five specific areas: cross-border data transfer, healthcare innovation, development of green industries, recruitment of highly skilled foreign professionals and promotion of value-added telecom services.

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