Advocacy Actions

2024-07-11 > Beijing

Meeting on Strengthening the Management of the Service Life of Active Medical Devices in Use

On 11th July, representative of COCIR attended the Meeting on Strengthening the Management of the Service Life of Active Medical Devices in Use, held by National Medical Products Administration (NMPA).

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2024-07-09 > Beijing

Automotive Working Group Chair Delivers Keynote Speech on Carbon Neutrality at Automotive Low-carbon Development Forum

Wang Pei, chair of the Automotive Working Group, delivered a keynote speech on carbon neutrality at the Automotive Industry Low Carbon Action Plan Development Forum 2024.

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2024-07-08 > Beijing

Letter to the National Development and Reform Commission Regarding Issues in the Guidance for Existing Urban Rail Transit Lines Renovation in China

On July 8th, the Rail Working Group submitted a lobby letter to the National Development and Reform Commission regarding issues in the Guidance for Existing Urban Rail Transit Lines Renovation in China issued by the China Association of Metros.

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2024-07-08 > Beijing

Letter to the Ministry of Commerce Regarding Issues in the Guidance for Existing Urban Rail Transit Lines Renovation in China

On July 8th, the Rail Working Group submitted a lobby letter to the Ministry of Commerce regarding issues in the Guidance for Existing Urban Rail Transit Lines Renovation in China issued by the China Association of Metros.

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2024-07-03 > Beijing

Meeting with the Representatives from the China Association of Medical Equipment

On 3rd of July, Representatives of the Healthcare Equipment Working Group of the European Chamber, Jessica and Xuanyi, met with the representatives from the China Association of Medical Equipment.

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2024-07-02 > Beijing

Meeting with Delegation of Hubei Department of Commerce

On 2nd July 2, 2024, the European Union Chamber in China met with the Deputy Director of the Hubei Provincial Department of Commerce.

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2024-07-01 > Beijing

European Chamber representatives meet Director-General at DG ENER Ditte Juul-Joergensen

On 1st July, a group of European Chamber representatives from the energy sector met with Director-General for DG ENER, Ms Ditte Juul-Joergensen, and her team.

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2024-06-28 > South China

European Chamber Vice President Meeting with Guangzhou Municipal Government Secretary General

On June 28th, Klaus Zenkel, Vice President of the European Chamber and Chair of the South China Board, attended the opening ceremony of the Office of the Canton Investment Development Commission (CIDC Office). Before the event began, he met with Hong Qian, Secretary General of the Guangzhou Municipal Government, and Wei Min, Director General of the Guangzhou Municipal Commerce Bureau.

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2024-06-28 > Beijing

Roundtable with the Chaoyang District Bureau of Commerce

On 28th June 2024, the European Chamber Beijing Chapter and Chaoyang District Bureau of Commerce held a roundtable for foreign enterprises in the second quarter. The relevant officials from Chaoyang District Bureau of Commerce, District Development and Reform Commission, District Talent Bureau and District Market Supervision Bureau introduced the policies related to "Two Zones" policies in Chaoyang District, industrial policies on investment, talents acquisition, intellectual property protection, tolerance of mistakes and correction of errors for minor offences, and listened to the demands and suggestions of the foreign enterprises.

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2024-06-28 > Beijing

Comments Submitted on Key Initiatives for Optimising the Business Environment

Members advocated for further alignment of the draft with existing policies. They also provided suggestions for stricter intellectual property enforcement and actions against bad faith actors.

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