Advocacy Actions

2024-08-23 > Beijing, Shanghai

Meeting with the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) on Digitalisation of Product Labelling, Markings, and In-Box materials

On 23rd August 2024, the European Chamber representatives paid a visit to the SAMR and met up with Mr Li Zhenghai Division II Director of Regulatory Affairs Department, and his colleagues from departments of international affairs, quality supervision, quality development, and standard innovation.

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2024-08-22 > Shanghai

Into the Whole-Process People's Democracy Practice Station of the CPPCC Committees in Shanghai

On 22nd August, the European Chamber was invited to participate in “Into the Whole-Process People's Democracy Practice Station of the CPPCC Committees in Shanghai”, organised by the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) Shanghai Committee.

Chamber Shanghai Chapter Board Member Roberto Donà attended the event and raised questions regarding CPPCC's role in promoting economic growth and how foreign-invested companies can better leverage this platform. Ioana KRAFT, Vice Chair of the Investment Working Group, also joined the event and had an exchange with Yu Lijuan, Vice Chairwoman of the CPPCC Shanghai Committee, during the tea break on living experience for foreign people in Changning District.

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2024-08-21 > Shanghai

Exclusive Meeting with Mr HE Shaojun, Deputy Special Commissioner to Shanghai, Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM)

On 21st August, the European Chamber hosted a meeting with Mr He Shaojun, Deputy Special Commissioner to Shanghai, Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) .

Chamber Vice President and Shanghai Chapter Chair Carlo D’Andrea, alongside Vice President Bruno Weill, AC members, and Working Group Chairs from auto components, environment, energy, and IPR sectors, discussed issues including financial opening, automotive aftermarket, sustainability, green development, IPR, CCUS, and access to green power.

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2024-08-15 > South China

Vice President of European Chamber Addresses GBA Roundtable Discussion Conference

On August 15th, Mr Klaus Zenkel, Vice President of the European Chamber and Chairman of the European Chamber South China Board, addressed the GBA Development Business Conference.

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2024-08-14 > South China

Vice Chairman of European Chamber South China Board Meets with Deputy Director General of Guangzhou CCPIT

On August 14th, Mr Fabian Blake, Vice Chairman of the European Chamber South China Board, and Ms Danica Mai, Vice Chair of the SME Forum, met with a delegation led by Ms Zhang Yan, Deputy Director General of Guangzhou CCPIT, at the Chamber Guangzhou Office. The meeting, which lasted for two and a half hours, primarily focused on strengthening collaboration between the two parties and addressing the key challenges European companies operating in South China faced.

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2024-08-09 > Beijing, Shanghai

HCE Working Group Submits Feedback to Zhejiang Province Healthcare Security Administration

The Healthcare Equipment Working Group advised annual evaluations, a green channel for major innovations, relaxed submission rules, and yearly price adjustments for generic items in Zhejiang. They also recommend adopting continuous evaluation practices from other provinces.

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2024-08-07 > Shanghai

Roundtable with Shanghai Vice Mayor Hua Yuan on Equipment Renewal

On 7th August, the European Chamber, along with other chambers of commerce and businesses, was invited to participate in a roundtable on large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods trade-in, organised by the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce.

Hua Yuan, vice mayor of Shanghai, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

Chamber Vice President and Shanghai Chapter Chair Carlo D’Andrea attended the roundtable, along with 10 members—including four Advisory Council members and six working group chairs—from various sectors including auto-components, energy, environment, investment, legal, manufacturing and pharmaceuticals.

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2024-08-07 > Beijing, Shanghai

HCE Working Group Submits Feedback to National Development and Reform Commission

The Healthcare Equipment Working Group recommended to the National Development and Reform Commission to reduce or cancel renewal fees for medical devices, unify fees for all devices, simplify standard upgrade registrations, and offer discounts and expedited processes for innovative products.

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2024-08-06 > South China

European Chamber Calls for Regulatory Optimisation and Green Energy Procurement during Shenzhen Foreign-invested Enterprises Symposium

On August 6, 2024, the European Chamber participated in the Shenzhen Foreign-invested Enterprises Symposium, represented by Ms Miya Yao, the Chamber's Marketing and Communicating Coordinator. Key Shenzhen officials from the Shenzhen Development and Reform Commission included Ms Chen Yumin, Deputy Director of the Office of Opening Up, and Mr Xiong Min, First-Level Principal Staff Member of the same office.

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2024-07-30 > South China

South China SME Forum Chairs Meet with Shenzhen Bureau of Commerce

On July 30th, representatives from the European Chamber met with Ms Wang Shuying, Director of the Investment Promotion Office of the Shenzhen Investment Promotion Bureau, to discuss how to address the main challenges encountered by European SMEs in China and explore related policies supporting SME development.

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