Advocacy Actions

2017-02-07 > Shanghai

EU Tour – Meeting with Andrew Coop, Policy Officer, DG Trade

Serafino introduced the purpose of the EU Tour as well as the Auto components working group activities and the Position Paper on IPR related issues. As the research and development work of the auto parts are not visible enough as consumer product to the end users, consumers have not very well recognition of the genius products. Fake products will not only harm the Chinese market and Chinese consumers but also the international market as the effect brought by trade. Manage and track the fake product by country of destination is not a wise way but by country of production.

Serafino also suggested DG Trade to set up mechanism to track and evaluate the bilateral IP dialogue progress and QT advised DG Trade to follow closely the Ecommerce Law updates with the EU Delegation in China and Chamber.

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2017-02-07 > Shanghai

EU Tour – Meeting with CLEPA

Serafino introduced the purpose of the meeting and then quickly went through the progress of auto components position paper related policy development in China related to NDRC, MOT and MOFCOM.

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2016-12-09 > Shanghai

IAM Desk and Auto Components Working Group Position Paper 2016 Presented to Mr. Tang Jiansheng, Deputy Secretary-General of the Shanghai Consumer Council

Ms. Tiantian Qi, Senior Business Manager of the Independent Auto Aftermarket (IAM) Desk and Auto Components Working Group, presented the IAM Desk and Auto Components Working Group Position 2016 to Mr. Tang Jiansheng, Deputy Secretary-General of the Shanghai Consumer Council on 9 December 2016. Mr. Tang and Tiantian exchanged suggestions on how to strengthen the cooperation between the Shanghai Consumer Council and the members of the European Chamber Auto Components Working Group. The European Chamber looks forward to future dialogues between Mr. Tang and members of the Auto Components Working Group as agreed to follow up in early 2017.

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2016-12-07 > Shanghai

Meeting with the Bureau of Price Supervision and Anti-Monopoly of NDRC

Ms. Tiantian Qi, Senior Business Manager at the Chamber and Mr. Serafino Bartolozzi, Chairman of the Independent Auto Aftermarket (IAM) Desk and Auto Components Working Group, presented the IAM Desk Position 2016 to Mr. Xu Xinyu, Division Director of the Bureau of Price Supervision and Anti-Monopoly, NDRC.

Mr. Xu and Mr. Bartolozzi exchanged suggestions on how to strengthen the cooperation between the Bureau of Price Supervision and Anti-Monopoly of NDRC and the members of the European Chamber IAM Desk and discussed the auto sector anti-monopoly supervision plans and automotive sector AML guidelines. The European Chamber looks forward to future dialogues between Mr. Xu and members of the IAM Desk as agreed to follow up in early 2017.

After this meeting, the IAM Desk Position Paper 2016 was presented to Mr. Zhang Handong, Director General of the Bureau of Price Supervision and Anti-Monopoly of NDRC, Mr. Zhang carefully read through the content and suggested the team to take some content to its annual report.

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2016-12-07 > Shanghai

Meeting with Mr. Bojan Pavlek, First Secretary, Trade Section of the Delegation of the European Union

Ms. Tiantian Qi, Senior Business Manager at the Chamber and Mr. Serafino Bartolozzi, Chairman of the Independent Auto Aftermarket (IAM) Desk and Auto Components Working Group, meet up with Mr. Bojan Pavlek, First Secretary, Trade Section of the Delegation of the European Union and discussed the EU Tour lobbying plans as well as the 2017 priorities.

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2016-11-29 > Shanghai

Auto Components Position Paper presented to Mr. Mao Zhongliang, Deputy Director of the Shanghai Administration for Industry & Commerce Supervision Bureau

Mrs. Tiantian Qi, Business Manager of the Independent Auto Aftermarket (IAM) Desk and Auto Components Working Group, presented the IAM Desk Position 2016 to Mr. Mao Zhongliang, Deputy Director of the Shanghai Administration for Industry & Commerce Supervision Bureau. Mr. Mao and Mrs. Qi exchanged suggestions on how to strengthen the cooperation between the Shanghai AIC Supervision Bureau and the members of the European Chamber. The European Chamber looks forward to future dialogues between Mr. Mao and members of the IAM Desk.

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2016-04-22 > Shanghai

Meeting with the CTTIC

The European Chamber and China Transport Telecommunications and Information Center discussed the regulation on Access to Auto Repair and Maintenance Information

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2016-04-21 > Shanghai

Meeting with the NDRC

The conference revolves around Anti-monopoly Guidelines for Auto Industry (Call for Comments)

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2016-02-17 > Shanghai

Comments on Vehicle Sales Management Methods

After collecting comments and opinions from our members on Vehicle Sales Management Methods, Mr. Kevin Fang arranged the suggestions corresponding to each item and submitted them to MOFCOM and asked for further opinions.

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2016-01-27 > Shanghai

EU Tour High level meeting with DG MOVE

European Chamber staff had a thorough discussion with Henrik Hololei, Anna SOLE-MENA and Kathrin Obst from DG GROW and DG MOVE. A wide range of issues were covered in this discussion.

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