Advocacy Actions

2017-02-09 > Shanghai

EU Tour – Meeting with Federica Sabbati, Director of European Heating Industry

Ioana gave a brief introduction on the visit purpose and introduced the 3 days discussion chamber had with commission all levels and the main message to bring forward on the tour, including Xi Jinping Davos speech, Made in China 2025 report produced by the chamber and the Bilateral Investment Agreement Negotiations talk with Commission. Federica went through the past EHI member’s engagement and most recent concerns on Manufacturing in EU competitiveness, European Parliament recent released big package document on Energy Policy on November 2016. Tiantian went through the EHI China Desk stakeholder mapping to the 2016 policy analysis and then to the China RoHS and WEEE development on the ministry dialogue and the talks followed up with MIIT before the tour. A general manager meeting is planned 21st February and EHI Desk extension renewal and priorities as well as PP will be discussed while a February Board meeting of EHI is scheduled 14 February.

Both side agreed on EHI China Desk shall closely engaged with its china team and make decisions on their interest, considering the previous year’s BM in charge of EHI China Desk turnover rate and seniority, Federica expressed the concerns from the EHI board, and willing 2017 onwards there will be less changes on the PIC, also suggested a KPI or action plan to be produced with the EHI China Desk members to evaluate the work.

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2017-02-09 > All chapters

EU Tour – Meeting with MNI

Update on the recent work plan of the MNI and the regulatory development on FSMP in the EU.

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2017-02-09 > All chapters

EU Tour – Meeting with European Industry Associations in Food Industry

Update the participants on the recent development in general food sector in China.

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2017-02-09 > All chapters

EU Tour – Meeting with European Industry Associations in Dairy Sector

Update the participants on the recent development in dairy sector.

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2017-02-09 > All chapters

EU Tour – Meeting with European Semiconductor Industry Association (ESIA)

A meeting focused on China Manufacturing 2025 and the semiconductor industry.

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2017-02-09 > All chapters

EU Tour – Meeting with Eurosmart

A meeting shared information about the development and regulatory framework of cybersecurity in EU and China, discussing possible ways for cooperation.

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2017-02-08 > All chapters

EU Tour – Meeting with DDG Mauro Petriccione, DG TRADE

Presentation key messages position paper and China Manufacturing 2025.

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2017-02-08 > All chapters

EU Tour – Meeting with European Meat Associations

A meeting with European Meat Associations was held on Wednesday, 8 February 2017, updating the participants on the recent development in general food sector in China.

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2017-02-08 > Shanghai

EU Tour – Meeting with Automotive and Auto components working group, DG GROW

Serafino introduced the purpose of the EU Tour as well as the Auto components working group activities and the Position Paper on market access related issues. Florence introduced the Automotive working group KRs one by one. Referring the re-manufacturing, DG Trade has introduced chamber to follow up a sheet to fill in and provide the industry evidence on trade negotiations needed which is also related with electronic waste treatment and the correct definition of re-manufacturing.

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2017-02-07 > Shanghai

EU Tour – Meeting with Andrew Coop, Policy Officer, DG Trade

Serafino introduced the purpose of the EU Tour as well as the Auto components working group activities and the Position Paper on IPR related issues. As the research and development work of the auto parts are not visible enough as consumer product to the end users, consumers have not very well recognition of the genius products. Fake products will not only harm the Chinese market and Chinese consumers but also the international market as the effect brought by trade. Manage and track the fake product by country of destination is not a wise way but by country of production.

Serafino also suggested DG Trade to set up mechanism to track and evaluate the bilateral IP dialogue progress and QT advised DG Trade to follow closely the Ecommerce Law updates with the EU Delegation in China and Chamber.

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