Advocacy Actions

2021-08-25 > All chapters

Living a Green Life for the Future

In order to let all staff and members better understand such state strategy and present green policies for consumer-end activities and call on all staff and members to do our parts and take the social responsibility of reducing emission and saving energy, the European Chamber is very pleased to invite the experts from PRCEE of MEE.

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2021-08-12 > Southwest China

Meeting with Chongqing Foreign Affairs of Office

on 12th August, member companies led by Xavier Arnaud, Board Member, European Chamber Southwest China Chapter had a meeting with Chongqing Foreign Affairs of Office.

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2021-07-29 > South China

Meeting with Shenzhen Foreign Affairs Office Director General and Nanshan District Mayor

On July 29th, EU Chamber South China Chapter Board Member Ms. Blandine Cressard met with Ms. Cao Saixian, Shenzhen Foreign Affairs Office Director General, and Mr. Huang Xiangyue, Nanshan District Mayor.

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2021-07-27 > South China

The European Chamber South China Chapter Meets with Zhongshan Leaders of the Foreign Affairs Office, Bureau of Commerce and Bureau of Market Regulation

On July 27, a delegation from the European Chamber South China Chapter lead by Vice Chair, Fabian Blake, met Deputy Director-general of the Zhongshan Foreign Affairs Office, Guo Daiyun, Deputy Director-General of the Zhongshan Bureau of Commerce, Luo Yuhang, and a representative consultant from the Zhongshan Bureau of Market Regulation, Zhang Lizhen, to discuss the content of the 2021 Business Confidence Survey.

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2021-07-22 > South China

South China Chair Meets Deputy Director General of the Guangdong Foreign Affairs Office

On 22 July, European Chamber South China Chapter Chair, Klaus Zenkel, met with Deputy Director General Liu Chenzi of the Guangdong Foreign Affairs Office to discuss the 2021 Business Confidence Survey.

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2021-07-20 > South China

BCS 2021 Meeting with the Guangdong Provincial Department of Commerce Deputy Director Chen Yuehua

On 20 July, the European Chamber lead by South China Chair, Klaus Zenkel, met with the Guangdong Provincial Department of Commerce’s Deputy Director, Chen Yuehua, to discuss the recently published 2021 Business Confidence Survey as well as the South China business environment.

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2021-07-16 > Beijing, Shanghai, South China

Comments to the General Administration of Customs China (GACC) on the Measures for Credit Management of Customs Enterprises in the People's Republic of China (Draft for Comments)

The European Chamber submitted collated comments to the General Administration of Customs China (GACC) on the Measures for Credit Management of Customs Enterprises in the People's Republic of China (Draft for Comments).

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2021-07-14 > South China

EU Chamber met with Fujian Vice Governor and attended Fujian International Investment Promotion Conference

On 14th July, Mr. Klaus Zenkel, European Chamber Vice President and South China Chapter Board Chair met with Fujian Vice Governor Guo Ningning and delivered a speech at Fujian International Investment Promotion Conference in Fuzhou.

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2021-07-12 > Beijing, Shanghai, South China

Comments to China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) on Standards of Trademark Examination and Trial (Draft for Comment)

The European Chamber submitted a 17-page long comment to China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) on the Standards of Trademark Examination and Trial (Draft for Comment). Both industry members and law firm members participated in commenting.

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2021-07-07 > South China

Discussion with the Guangzhou Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau and Guangzhou Power Supply Bureau on the Power Shortage in Guangzhou

On 7 July, the Chair of the South China Board, Klaus Zenkel, and Vice Chair, Fabian Blake, met with representatives from the Guangzhou Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau and Guangzhou Power Supply Bureau to discuss the issue of force shutdowns of European Chamber manufacturing companies due to the recent power shortage in Guangdong Province.

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