Advocacy Actions

2020-11-06 > All chapters

European Chamber representatives meet the Head of Cabinet of Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans

On 6th November, European Chamber representatives met with the Head of Cabinet of Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans.

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2020-10-28 > All chapters

European Chamber and EU SME Centre representatives join the 11th EU-China SME Policy Dialogue

On 28th October, the 11th EU-China SME Policy Dialogue took place. From the EU side, the meeting was chaired by Deputy Director-General Hubert Gambs, and from the Chinese side the counterpart was MIIT Vice-Minister Wang Jiangping. European Chamber Brussels Representative Davide Cucino represented the EU SME Centre in the meeting.

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2020-10-28 > All chapters

Meeting with INTA Committee China Monitoring Group

On 28th October, European Chamber President Joerg Wuttke presented the 2020/2021 Position Paper to members of the European Parliament INTA Committee's China Monitoring Group.

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2020-10-27 > All chapters

Meeting with Director-General for DG GROW, Kerstin Jorna

On 27th October, a group of representatives from the European Chamber and the EU SME Centre joined an online meeting with Director-General for Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) Ms Kerstin Jorna.

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2020-10-22 > Southwest China

Meeting with Mr. Fu Jiakang, Deputy Director General of Chongqing Commerce Commission

On Oct 22nd, 2020, European Chamber Secretary General Adam with South West China Chapter Team together to meet with CQ Commission of Commerce Deputy Director Fu Jiakang to present 2020/2021 Position Paper and discussed how to serve European Business in Chongqing.

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2020-10-12 > Beijing, Southwest China

Comments to Sichuan HSA's Draft "Plan for Centralised Procurement of Medical Consumables"

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group submitted comments to the Sichuan Healthcare Security Administration's (HSA's) draft "Plan for Centralised Procurement of Medical Consumables".

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2020-09-29 > All chapters

Video call with the Agricultural Counsellor of the EUD to China on GMM issue

Representatives from the AFB WG had a meeting with Damien Plan, the Agricultural Counsellor of the EUD to China.

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2020-09-28 > All chapters

Presentation of key outcomes of InDiCo study on association standards in China

On Monday, 28th September, European Chamber representatives joined an online meeting where the key findings of an International Digital Cooperation project on ICT standardisation (InDiCo) led project looking at ICT-related association standards in China were outlined.

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2020-09-23 > All chapters

European Chamber comments on the European Commission's White Paper on Foreign Subsidies

On 23rd September the European Chamber submitted comments on the European Commission's White Paper on Foreign Subsidies.

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2020-09-22 > Beijing, Southwest China

Meeting with the Yunnan Healthcare Security Administration on Procurement and Hospital Payment

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group hold a meeting with the Healthcare Security Administration (HSA) of Yunnan Province on questions about procurement and hospital payment.

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