Advocacy Actions

2017-03-10 > Beijing, Shanghai, South China

Meeting with EU-China Industrial and Commercial Investment Promotion Union (ECIPU) of MOFCOM to Discuss Opportunities in the Sector of Environmental Protection and Energy Conservation for 2017

To offer a comprehensive perspective on the opportunities and challenges for the environmental protection and energy conservation sectors in the coming years, the chamber invited representatives from the EU-China Industrial and Commercial Investment Promotion Union (ECIPU) of MOFCOM to introduce government-level projects and have a roundtable discussion regarding the regulatory environment with our members in these sectors.

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2017-02-24 > Beijing, South China

Meeting with Shenzhen HFPC on Bundled Hospital Payment

The Healthcare Equipment Working Group met with the Vice Director of the Health and Family Planning Commission of Shenzhen Municipality (Shenzhen HFPC) to discuss the effects of the recently introduced bundled payment of medical services at Shenzhen hospitals.

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2017-02-23 > All chapters

Lobby Letter to CFDA on Drug Renaming and Impact on Reimbursement

Lobby Letter to CFDA on Drug Renaming and Impact on Reimbursement

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2017-02-13 > South China

Meeting with Invest Shenzhen on Local Foreign Investment Policies

Klaus Zenkel, Imedco Technology(Shenzhen) Co.Ltd, the Chamber’s South China Board Member

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2017-02-10 > All chapters

Meeting with ISDI

Update on the recent work of ISDI.

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2017-02-10 > All chapters

Raise HCE issue to DG GROW during EUCCC's Brussels Tour

Raise HCE issue to GROW during EUCCC's Brussels Tour

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2017-02-09 > All chapters

EU Tour – Meeting with MNI

Update on the recent work plan of the MNI and the regulatory development on FSMP in the EU.

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2017-02-09 > All chapters

EU Tour – Meeting with European Industry Associations in Food Industry

Update the participants on the recent development in general food sector in China.

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2017-02-09 > All chapters

EU Tour – Meeting with European Industry Associations in Dairy Sector

Update the participants on the recent development in dairy sector.

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2017-02-09 > All chapters

EU Tour – Meeting with European Semiconductor Industry Association (ESIA)

A meeting focused on China Manufacturing 2025 and the semiconductor industry.

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