Advocacy Actions

2015-10-16 > Shanghai

EUCCC BEPS CFC submission to SAT

The European Chamber appreciates the opportunity to provide comments to the draft of SAT <Amended Circular 02 Adjustments to Special Taxation Implementation>. We see SAT’s view being reflected in the new rule and we would like to get more detailed and clear guidance on those new requirements to reduce uncertainty to our Chinese business as well as to keep our compliance burden at a reasonable level.

A lot of new rules proposed in the OECD/G20Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) Action Plans and SAT’s view have been incorporated in this draft. As taxpayers,we expect more clarity and certainty and reduce compliance cost to the extent reasonable.

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2015-07-08 > Beijing, Shanghai, South China


European Chamber Comments on <The People’s Republic of China Environmental Protection Tax Law >

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2015-03-25 > South China

Working Level Meeting with Guangzhou Municipal Local Taxation Bureau


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2015-03-13 > All chapters

Lobby Letter on Circular 62 to the State Council and the Ministry of Finance

The Finance & Taxation Working Group addressed a lobby letter to the Ministry of Finance and to the State Council (copy to MOFCOM) regarding the uncertainty created by the inconsistent implementation of Circular 62 on the clean-up of local preferential tax policies.

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2015-01-29 > South China

Working Level Meeting with Department of Commerce of Guangdong Province (DOFCOM)

Working Level Meeting with Department of Commerce of Guangdong Province (DOFCOM)

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2014-09-16 > South China

Working level meeting with Shenzhen Qianhai Local Tax Bureau

Working level meeting with Shenzhen Qianhai Local Tax Bureau

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2014-06-19 > South China

Working Level Meeting with Guangzhou Local Taxation Bureau

Working Level Meeting with Guangzhou Local Taxation Bureau

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2014-05-19 > South China

Q&A session with Shenzhen Municipal Office, State Administration of Taxation

Q&A session with Shenzhen Municipal Office, State Administration of Taxation

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2014-05-09 > South China

Working-level meeting with State Administration of Taxation, Local Taxation Bureau and Foreign Affairs Office of Zhongshan Muncipality

Working-level meeting with State Administration of Taxation, Local Taxation Bureau and Foreign Affairs Office of Zhongshan Muncipality

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2014-05-05 > South China

Meeting with Shenzhen Municipal Office, State Administration of Taxation

Meeting with Shenzhen Municipal Office, State Administration of Taxation

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