Advocacy Actions

2024-08-21 > Shanghai

Exclusive Meeting with Mr HE Shaojun, Deputy Special Commissioner to Shanghai, Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM)

On 21st August, the European Chamber hosted a meeting with Mr He Shaojun, Deputy Special Commissioner to Shanghai, Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) .

Chamber Vice President and Shanghai Chapter Chair Carlo D’Andrea, alongside Vice President Bruno Weill, AC members, and Working Group Chairs from auto components, environment, energy, and IPR sectors, discussed issues including financial opening, automotive aftermarket, sustainability, green development, IPR, CCUS, and access to green power.

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2024-08-07 > Shanghai

Roundtable with Shanghai Vice Mayor Hua Yuan on Equipment Renewal

On 7th August, the European Chamber, along with other chambers of commerce and businesses, was invited to participate in a roundtable on large-scale equipment renewal and consumer goods trade-in, organised by the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce.

Hua Yuan, vice mayor of Shanghai, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

Chamber Vice President and Shanghai Chapter Chair Carlo D’Andrea attended the roundtable, along with 10 members—including four Advisory Council members and six working group chairs—from various sectors including auto-components, energy, environment, investment, legal, manufacturing and pharmaceuticals.

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2024-06-13 > Shanghai

Participation in the Shanghai Vice Mayor Roundtable on Cross-border Data Transfer (CBDT)

On 13th June, Mr Hua Yuan, Vice Mayor of the Shanghai Municipal Government, hosted a roundtable with foreign chambers and companies to discuss the facilitation of cross-border data transfer (CBDT).

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2024-04-12 > Beijing

Submitted Comments to the Ministry of Commerce on the Bottleneck Issues in Standards Setting in Service Sector

On 12th April, the European Chamber submitted comments to the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) Foreign Investment Department on the Bottleneck Issues in Standards Setting in Service Sector.

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2024-02-29 > All chapters

Submission of feedback on cross-border data transfer barriers as experienced by different industries and sectors

On 29th February the European Chamber submitted feedback on how different industries are affected by the current Chinese regulatory landscape on cross-border data transfer.

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2020-12-08 > Shanghai

Working Group Meeting with Lin Qi from Shanghai Municipal People's Congress

On 8th December, Mr Qi LIN from the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress Legislative Affairs Commission introduced the considerations during the legislation process of the Shanghai Anti-unfair Competition Regulations.

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2020-11-04 > Beijing, Shanghai

Roundtable with MOFCOM Official on European Business Operations in China

Roundtable with MOFCOM Official on European Business Operations in China

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2020-10-27 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to The National Information Security Standardization Technical Committee (TC260) on the Information Security Technology-Cyber-Data Process Security Specification (Draft for Comments)

The European Chamber submitted collated comments to The National Information Security Standardization Technical Committee (TC260) on the Information Security Technology-Cyber-Data Process Security Specification (Draft for Comments)

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2020-10-10 > Shanghai

Dialogue with NDRC, Mofcom and SAMR at the China-Europe Automotive Parts Remanufacturing Summit

The Auto components Working Group representative participated and presented the 2020/2021 European Chamber Auto components Position Paper at the 2020 China-Europe Automotive Parts Remanufacturing Summit.

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