Advocacy Actions

2019-04-17 > Beijing, Southwest China

Meeting with Vice Governor of Sichuan

On 17th April, the vice governor of Sichuan Provincial Government, Mr Wang Yihong, received a delegation from the European Chamber led by Vice President (VP) Massimo Bagnasco. Local Chair Paul Sives also joined the meeting.

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2019-04-16 > Beijing, Southwest China

Roundtable Discussion with Sichuan Government on Business Environment in Sichuan

On 16th April, European Chamber delegates met with officials of Sichuan provincial government to discuss the business environment in Sichuan.

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2019-04-10 > Beijing

Meeting with European Union Delegation on the Market Surveillance Issues

Quality and Safety Services (QSS) Sub-working Group met with European Union Delegation regarding the market surveillance issues.

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2019-03-20 > Beijing

Meeting with the Regulatory Department of SAMR

Chamber delegation met with Xue Guoqin, deputy director general of the Regulatory Department of the State Administration of Market Regulation, to discuss the legislative work plan in 2019.

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2019-02-22 > All chapters

Meeting with Legislative Affairs Commission of the NPC Standing Committee and SCOFCOM on the Draft Foreign Investment Law

On February 22, 2019, the Legislative Affairs Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce hosted a symposium to solicit opinions on the draft Foreign Investment Law. Representative of the European Chamber's Legal & Competition Working Group attended the symposium and presented members’ feedback and concerns.

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2018-12-07 > Beijing

2018 China-Europe Industry Symposium on Circular Economy

With the support from the Delegation of the European Union to China (EU Delegation), the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and the China Association of Circular Economy, the European Chamber organised the 2018 China-Europe Industry Symposium on Circular Economy: Leading Consumption Upgrade with Innovative Circular Model to discuss a wide spectrum of topics, including the extended producer responsibility (EPR) mechanism, the green supply chain, green products, standards and labelling, and best practice on circular model of brands and platforms in consumer goods sector.

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2018-12-06 > Beijing

Comments to MEE on the Draft Regulations on Administration of Pollutants Discharge Permit

Following the Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE)’s call for comments on the Regulations on Administration of Pollutants Discharge Permit (Draft for Comments), and upon circulation of the draft within relevant working groups, the European Chamber has collated all member inputs and submitted to MEE.

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2018-11-29 > Beijing

Exclusive Roundtable Dialogue with SAMR Department of Accreditation & Inspection and Testing Supervision Management

On 29th November, the European Chamber’s Quality and Safety Services Sub-working Group (QSS Sub-WG) organised an exclusive roundtable dialogue with the Department of Accreditation & Inspection and Testing Supervision Management of the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR).

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2018-11-26 > Beijing, Shanghai

Meeting with Goods Inspection Department of GAC

Following the government restructuring which took place in 2018, and to better understand the role of the General Administration of Customs (GAC) when it comes to product quality supervision at the border and in the market, the Chamber invited Vice Council Zhou Shaofeng of the GAC’s newly established department in charge of goods inspection to give a presentation to members on the department and the Import and Export Goods Inspection Law.

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2018-11-16 > Beijing

Comments to Ministry of Housing and Urban-rural Development (MOHURD) and China Information Consulting & Designing Institute Co., Ltd. (CICDI) on Technical Standard for Internet Security Facilities (Draft for Comments)

The European Chamber submitted collated comments on the Technical Standard for Internet Security Facilities (Draft for Comments) to the CICDI, which has been tasked by the MOHURD with formulating this mandatory national standard.

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