Advocacy Actions

2016-07-12 > Beijing, Tianjin

Meeting with Director of Pharma and Medical Device Department of Tianjin HFPC on Procurement Policies for Disposable Medical Devices

A delegation of the CDMD Advisory Committee of the European Chamber visited Ms Wu Fan, director of the Pharma and Medical Device Department of Tianjin HFPC to exchange views and information about procurement policies of disposable medical devices.

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2016-07-11 > Beijing, Shanghai

Meeting with Chief Negotiator of Environmental Goods Agreement (EGA)

In order to remove barriers to trade in environmental or "green" goods that are crucial for environmental protection and climate change mitigation, WTO members participating in the Environmental Goods Agreement (EGA) negotiations are committed to intensify work this year to conclude the negotiations as soon as possible, using among others political milestones such as high level G20 meetings. Recently the 14th Round of Negotiations was finished in the week of 20th June 2016 in Geneva.

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2016-07-11 > Shanghai

European Chamber Comments on SPB's Interim Measures on Meetings for Supervising Postal Market (Draft for Comments)

European Chamber Comments on SPB's Interim Measures on Meetings for Supervising Postal Market (Draft for Comments)

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2016-07-08 > Beijing

Meeting at the MOFCOM on Development of the Manufacturing Industry

Ms. Jinlin Pei, an AC Member attended a meeting with the Department of Policy Research of the MOFCOM, representing the European manufacturing businesses operating in China.

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2016-07-08 > Beijing

Joint European Chamber and AmCham Meeting on Foreign NGO Law

On 8th July, AmCham and the European Chamber held a joint discussion on China’s Overseas NGO Management Law (NGO Law) and its implications for the foreign business community in China.

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2016-07-06 > Beijing

EU-China Safety Assessment Training Course II

European Chamber Cosmetics Working Group co-organized EU-China Safety Assessment Training Course II together with UK government, Cosmetic Europe and NIFDC. The four parties jointly organized the first training course last year in Beijing. More than 100 people from local Food and Drug Inspection Institutes and local Food and Drug Administrations attended the training course this year.

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2016-07-05 > Beijing

Meeting with CFDA proposing a roundtable seminar on clinical trials

Meeting with Division Director WU proposing a roundtable with industry representatives on medical devices clinical trial

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2016-07-05 > Beijing

Meeting with CFDA and NIFDC

European Chamber Cosmetics Working Group, and Cosmetic Europe had a meeting with the representatives from the UK government, CFDA, and NIFDC, to discuss theresearch and validation work of cosmetics animal testing alternative methods in China.

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2016-07-04 > Shanghai

Meeting with Shanghai Academy of Development and Reform on Shanghai FTZ

European Chamber Shanghai Chapter GA Staff Meeting with Vice President of Shanghai Academy of Development and Reform to Discuss the Next Phase of Shanghai FTZ Development

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2016-07-04 > Shanghai

Meeting with Prof. Sun Yuanxin on Shanghai FTZ New Developments

European Chamber Shanghai met Prof. Sun Yuanxin, an FTZ expert on the reform plan in Shanghai FTZ in the next stage.

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