Advocacy Actions

2022-06-09 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) on the Implementation Regulations of Drug Administration Law (Draft Revisions))

European Chamber submitted a 60-page long comment to the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) on the Implementation Regulations of the Drug Administration Law of the People's Republic of China (Draft Revisions) on 9th June.

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2022-06-09 > Nanjing

Meeting with Jiangsu CCPIT

On 9 June, European Chamber Nanjing Chapter General Manager Ms. Haiyan You met with the Vice Chairman of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Jiangsu Provincial Committee Mr Huang Zheng.

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2022-06-09 > Shanghai

Roundtable with Zhejiang Provincial Government Authorities

On 9th June, European Chamber Shanghai Chapter General Manager Dr Ioana Kraft, together with five member company representatives, joined a virtual roundtable dialogue hosted by Shi Qiqi, Deputy Director General of Zhejiang Department of Commerce, aiming to stabilise and boost confidence of foreign investment through government industry dialogue, timely update the latest policies, and address the issues encountered by foreign companies.

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2022-06-09 > Shenyang

European Chamber Shenyang Chapter Visited Liaoning Provincial Department of Commerce

On 9 June 2022, the German Consulate General in Shenyang, the European Chamber of Commerce in China Shenyang Chapter and the German Chamber of Commerce were invited to visit Liaoning Provincial Department of Commerce for exchaning on long-concerned issues to local European companies.

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2022-06-09 > South China

Online conference with Guangdong Department of Commerce on 2022 Business Environment for European Enterprises in Guangdong

On June 9, European Chamber co-organized an online conference with Guangdong Department of Commerce on '2022 Business Environment for European Enterprises in Guangdong'.

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2022-06-09 > Beijing

Online meeting with Hainan International Carbon Emission Trading Center

On 9th June, the European Chamber Carbon Market Working Group representatives held an online meeting with officials from the Hainan International Carbon Emission Trading Center, which has been approved for establishment in Hainan Free Trade Port (FTP) and is scheduled to begin operation in the second half of 2022.

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2022-06-07 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) on Catalogue of Industries for Encouraged Foreign Investment (2022 Edition) (Draft for Comments)

On 7th June, the European Chamber submitted comments to the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) on the Catalogue of Industries for Encouraged Foreign Investment (2022 Edition) (Draft for Comments).

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2022-06-06 > Shanghai

Roundtable with Zong Ming, Vice Mayor of Shanghai

On 6th June , European Chamber Vice President (VP) and Shanghai Chapter Chair Bettina Schoen, and Shanghai Chapter General Manager Dr Ioana Kraft, together with 7 member company representatives, had a virtual roundtable meeting with Zong Ming, Vice Mayor of Shanghai to resolve issues and challenges during the work resumption and boost the confidence of European enterprises.

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2022-06-01 > South China

Meeting with Guangdong CCPIT

On 1 June, European Chamber South China Chapter Board Chair Mr Klaus Zenkel met with Guangdong CCPIT's Mr Bai Mingshao (First-Level Inspector, Director-General Level).

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2022-06-01 > Tianjin

Meeting with Tianjin CCPIT

On 1 June, European Chamber Tianjin Chapter General Manager Ms. Catherine Guo met with the Vice Chairman of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Tianjin Committee Mr. Guo Zaolin.

Ms. Guo introduced the recent work of the chamber and raised the issues and questions of members, as well as shared the future work plan of the chamber to Mr. Guo. Mr. Guo introduced the national wide initiative of CCPIT to survey on the difficulties of foreign business, Mr. Guo showed strong interests to understand how the EUCCC engage with members and how to organize physical events.

The possible roundtable in the near future was also discussed at the meeting.

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