Advocacy Actions

2021-08-02 > Beijing

European Chamber Vice President Speaks at the 2021 Global Digital Economy Conference held in Beijing

On 2nd August 2021, the European Chamber Vice President, Mr. Guido D. Giacconi, digitally joined the 2021 Global Digital Economy Conference, as per invitation of Mr. Chen Jining, Mayor of Beijing Municipality.

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2021-08-02 > Shenyang

Shenyang Chapter Paid a Visit to Shenyang Police Association中国欧盟商会沈阳分会到沈阳市警察协会参观座谈

On the morning of August 2nd, the delegation of Shenyang Chapter of the European Union Chamber of Commerce visited Shenyang Police Association and had a friendly discussion.

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2021-07-30 > Beijing

Workshop on the State of Global Carbon Market

European and Chinese experts from EU delegation, World Bank, British Embassy, ICF, Environmental Defence Fund and GIZ attended this workshop and shared their information and insights of the state of global carbon market.

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2021-07-29 > National

Meeting with representatives of the EIB

On Thursday, 29th July, a group of Chairs led by Member of the ExCo Board Jens Eskelund met with representatives of the European Investment Bank (EIB) to discuss the EIB's new China strategy.

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2021-07-29 > South China

Meeting with Shenzhen Foreign Affairs Office Director General and Nanshan District Mayor

On July 29th, EU Chamber South China Chapter Board Member Ms. Blandine Cressard met with Ms. Cao Saixian, Shenzhen Foreign Affairs Office Director General, and Mr. Huang Xiangyue, Nanshan District Mayor.

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2021-07-29 > Beijing

Comments to the NMPA on the Provisions on Medical Device Registration Inhouse Inspection (Call for Comments) (Second Draft))

The medical devices sector sent comments to the National Medical Products Administration on the the Provisions on Medical Device Registration Inhouse Inspection (Call for Comments) (Second Draft).

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2021-07-28 > Beijing

Series seminar ‘China-EU Green Development Dialogue’ III- Opportunities and Challenges of Carbon Neutrality in Construction Industry

The seminar was jointly organized by the European Union Chamber of Commerce of China (EUCCC) and the Centre for International Economic and Technological Cooperation (CIETC) of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT).

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2021-07-27 > South China

The European Chamber South China Chapter Meets with Zhongshan Leaders of the Foreign Affairs Office, Bureau of Commerce and Bureau of Market Regulation

On July 27, a delegation from the European Chamber South China Chapter lead by Vice Chair, Fabian Blake, met Deputy Director-general of the Zhongshan Foreign Affairs Office, Guo Daiyun, Deputy Director-General of the Zhongshan Bureau of Commerce, Luo Yuhang, and a representative consultant from the Zhongshan Bureau of Market Regulation, Zhang Lizhen, to discuss the content of the 2021 Business Confidence Survey.

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2021-07-27 > Beijing

Meeting on the Implementation Rules for Fair Competition Review System

On 27 July, the European Chamber had a working group meeting with the official from the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) on the Implementation Rules for Fair Competition Review System.

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2021-07-27 > Beijing

Meeting with CFSA on the draft of National Food Safety Standard Culture Preparation for Food Processing

China National Centre for Food Safety Risk Assessment held a meeting on the draft of National Food Safety Standard Culture Preparation for Food Processing with industry representatives. The meeting discussed previous comments collected in the early round of public consultation on this draft. European Chamber participated the meeting and raised industry concerns on several details.

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