Advocacy Actions

2022-02-17 > All chapters

Meeting with CMDE on Mandatory Standard Implementation Issue

CMDE met with representatives of relevant industry associations on evaluation policy after the implementation of mandatory standards.

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2022-02-17 > Shanghai

Meeting with G60 S&T Innovation Valley of Yangtze River Delta Joint Office

On Feb 17th, Mr. Dai Zhiming and his team visited Dr. Ioana Kraft, General Manager of the European Chamber Shanghai Chapter, the meeting also jointed by Mr. Wallace Bie from Comau Shanghai Engineering, one of our member companies based in Song Jiang district. During the meeting, Mr. Dai introduced the general development and the industries of G60 and would like to explore cooperation with the European Chamber Shanghai Chapter.

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2022-02-16 > All chapters

Insight Sharing: EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and China’s Footstep

On 16th February, the European Chamber Finance and Taxation Working Group held a working group meeting to share insight on the European Union's Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and China’s footstep in the carbon-related tax policies.

Paolo Caridi, Policy Coordinator of DG CLIMA of the European Commission, introduced the EU’s CBAM, and Cong Zhang, Partner of Ernst & Young, provided the perspective from China side taking stock of the current tax policies in the country and sharing insight on the relevant framework discussions.

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2022-02-15 > Beijing

Closed Seminar on Natured-based Solutions Organised by the Foreign Environmental Cooperation Centre, Ministry of Ecology and Environment (FECO)

Representatives from the European Chamber's Agriculture, Food and Beverage Working Group were invited to participate in a closed seminar on nature-based solutions organised by Foreign Environmental Cooperation Centre, Ministry of Ecology and Environment (FECO).

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2022-02-10 > Southwest China

Southwest China Chapter's Meeting with Chengdu Investment Promotion Bureau

On 10th February, 2022, European Chamber Southwest China Chapter Chair Massimo Bagnasco, Vice Chair Paul Sives and General Manager Ms. Sally Huang had an exclusive VIP meeting with Chengdu Investment Promotion Bureau Deputy Director General Ms. He Li to voice out for our members and to discuss how to better serve our members in Chengdu.

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2022-02-10 > Beijing

Participation in the ECECP Component B Project Steering Meeting

The EU-China Energy Cooperation Platform (ECECP) Component B Project Steering Meeting was held online on 10 February 2022, with participants from the ECECP project team, the EU Delegation in Beijing, DG ENER and the European Chamber.

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2022-01-28 > Beijing, Shanghai

Letter Submitted to Shanghai Municipal Tax Service (State Taxation Administration) on the debt-to-equity ratio applied to Equipment Leasing Companies (ELC)

On Friday 28 January 2022, the Non-Banking Financial Institutions (NBFI) working group sent a letter to Shanghai Municipal Tax Service State Taxation Administration to draw their attention to the debt-to-equity ratio applied to equipment leasing companies (ELC).

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2022-01-27 > Beijing, Shanghai

International liner shipping Working Group's online Meeting with Mofcom

On 27th January, the Internaitonal Liner Shipping Working Group had an online meeting with the Ministry of Commerce, PRC (Mofcom).

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2022-01-26 > Beijing

European Chamber President meets Vice Minister of Ecology and Environment

On 26th January, Chamber President Joerg Wuttke met Vice Minister of Ecology and Environment Zhao Yingmin online. President Wuttke presented the European Business in China Position Paper 2021/2022 and discussed China’s decarbonisation initiative and the potential for EU-China collaboration.

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2022-01-26 > Shanghai

Meeting with the Beijing Building Energy Conservation and Engineer Association (BCEMA) on Group Standards

Europe China Heating Initiative Online meeting with Beijing Building Energy Conservation and Engineer Association (BCEMA), reviewed the "Technical Regulations for the Application of Condensing Gas Heating Water Heaters".

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