Advocacy Actions

2020-06-19 > Beijing, Shanghai

Call with EU Delegation for feedback on their meeting with CBIRC Chairman

On June 19, 2020, the EU Ambassador, Nicolas Chapuis, had a discussion with the CBIRC's Chairman, Guo Shuqing. The Banking & Securities Working Group Coordinator discussed with the EU Delegation on their conversation with the CBIRC and the progress made on behalf of the European Banking industry as well as the ways forward.

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2020-06-19 > Beijing, Shanghai

Letter to Director Guohai Li, Office of Commercial Cryptography Management, State Cryptography Administration Bureau (SCA), on the Commercial Cryptography Product Certification Catalogue (First Batch)

The European Chamber sent a letter to Director Guohai Li, Office of Commercial Cryptography Management, State Cryptography Administration (SCA), on the recently released Commercial Cryptography Product Certification Catalogue (First Batch).

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2020-06-19 > Beijing, Shanghai

Submitted comments to the SAMR on Administrative Measures for Supervision and Inspection of Food Production and Operation (Draft for Comments)

On 19th June, the AFB, Cheese, FSMP and PN working groups submitted comments on the Administrative Measures for Supervision and Inspection of Food Production and Operation (Draft for Comments) to the SAMR.

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2020-06-18 > Shanghai

Meeting with Chongqing Municipal Commission of Commerce Deputy Director General Song Gang

On 18th June, Carlo D'Andrea, vice president of the European Chamber and Shanghai Chapter Chair, and Ioana Kraft, general manager of the Shanghai Chapter, met with a delegation from Chongqing Municipality led by Deputy Director General (DDG) Song Gang from the Chongqing Commission of Commerce.

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2020-06-18 > Nanjing

Meeting with Mr Zhao Jianjun, Director General of Jiangsu Department of Commerce

On 18th June, Bernhard Weber, chair of the European Chamber Nanjing Chapter, led a delegation of Nanjing members to meet with Zhao Jianjun, director general of the Jiangsu Department of Commerce.

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2020-06-18 > All chapters

Exclusive Dialogue with Director General Han Shengjian, Hainan Provincial Bureau of International

On the afternoon of 18th June, the European Chamber held its exclusive dialogue with Director General (DG) Han Shengjian, Hainan Provincial Bureau of International Economic Development on the interpretation of policies and future plan of Hainan Free Trade Port. The webinar included nearly one hour of Q&A section for representatives from various industries to discuss their questions with relevant departments of Hainan government.

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2020-06-17 > All chapters

ECHI-Feedback on local tests and paper publication from SAMR

The SAMR provided feedback on the issue of repetitive local test lobbying and a paper disclosure following the last phone call and eamil request from the ECHI.

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2020-06-17 > Beijing, Shanghai

Online meeting with the EU Ambassador to discuss lobbying to the CBIRC

On 17th June, 2020, the Banking & Securities Working Group had a meeting with the EU Ambassador, Nicolas Chapuis, to update him on the group's meeting with the CBIRC on June 11 and to provide him with advice on how to better represent key industries' issues ahead of the EU Delegation's meeting on June 19.

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2020-06-17 > South China

South China General Manager Meets Director of Guangzhou Development District Investment Promotion Bureau

South China General Manager, Francine Hadjisotiriou, and South China Guangzhou Office Business and Government Affairs, Peter Drucker, met with Deputy Director of Guangzhou Development District Investment Promotion Bureau, Wang Yang, the Chief of Department for GDD Investment Promotion Department, Jinna Tseng, and Peter Helis of Helis & Associates and Chief Advisor of Guangzhou Huangpu District.

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2020-06-17 > Beijing

Lobby letter to the Food Evaluation Centre, the State Administration for Market Regulation

European Chamber Paediatric Nutrition and FSMP sub-working groups submitted a lobby letter to the Food Evaluation Centre, the State Administration of Market Regulation, on the issue of consular certification on overseas applicant's authorization letter for the infant formula recipe and FSMP product registration, modification and renewal.

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