Advocacy Actions

2016-10-27 > Beijing

6th EU-China Industrial Dialogue

The 6th EU-China Industrial Dialogue between the Ministry for Industry and Information Technology of China (MIIT) and the European Commission, Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) was held in Beijing on 27 October.

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2016-10-27 > Beijing

Presenting Automotive Industry Concerns to MIIT Vice Commissioner

The Chair of Automotive Working Group, Florence De Goldfiem, was invited to attend the 6th Plenary Meeting of the China-EU Industrial Dialogue and Consultation Mechanism, which was held in Beijing on 27 October 2016 at the World People’s Palace Hotel. Co-chaired by Ms Lowri EVANS, Director General for Internal Market, industry, entrepreneurship and SMEs from EU Comission and Mr XIN Guobin, Vice Commissioner of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China,this high-level dialogue offered the automotive working group an opportunity to report top 3 concerns to MIIT.

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2016-10-27 > Beijing

CFDA Vice Minister Jiao Hong meets Director-General of European Commission DG GROW

CFDA Vice Minister Jiao Hong meets Director-General of European Commission DG GROW, followed by a seminar on Medical Device Regulation

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2016-10-27 > Beijing

Discussion on Hair Dye Products with NIFDC

EU experts and industrial representatives had discussion with local experts on the methods of hair dye products safety assessment and next step cooperation on this subject.

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2016-10-27 > Beijing

Meeting with Cosmetics Division, Department of Drug and Cosmetics Registration Management, CFDA

Cosmetics Europe and EUCCC Cosmetics Working Group discussed regulation on cosmetics products management, ingredients management, safety assessment, animal testing alternatives, SPF testing and other technical issues concerned by EU side with Director Qi.

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2016-10-26 > Beijing

Cybersecurity Conference: Cybersecurity in the Era of Industry 4.0 and Internet of Things

The European Chamber organised its inaugural Cybersecurity Conference: Cybersecurity in the Era of Industry 4.0 and IoT.

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2016-10-26 > Beijing

Lobby letter to Vice Mayer of Beijing Municipal Government on seat belts safety rules

On October 26th 2016, the European Chamber Automotive Working Group, on behalf of member companies, submitted a lobby letter to Gang CHEN, the Vice Mayer of Beijing Municipal Government, suggesting that Beijing should adopt stronger enforcement of seat belts safety rules in order to protect the safety of Beijing residents as well as strengthen the standing of Beijing as an international metropolis.

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2016-10-26 > Beijing

China / EU Cosmetics Technical Expert Meeting

In the experts meeting, EU cosmetics experts introduced the evaluation scheme, implementation and data processing of European consumer exposure to cosmetic products, the 9th revision contents of “The SCCS Notes of guidance”, the operating mechanism and verification procedures of EURL ECVAM, and the requirements of Sun products testing and labelling in China and the EU.

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2016-10-25 > Beijing

Energy Efficiency Working Group, 6th EU-China Industrial Dialogue

On 25 October 2016, the Energy Efficiency Working Group within the 6th EU-China Industrial Dialogue took place in Beijing.

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2016-10-25 > Beijing

Market Access Meeting with DG Trade Representative in the EU delegation and member states on Cosmetics

Gerald Renner from CE and Cocoa Liu from the EUCCC introduced Cosmetics Export to China and the regulation updates of Cosmetics Regulation in China to the DG Trade Representative of the Delegation and the representatives from the member states.

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