Advocacy Actions

2016-01-27 > Beijing

EU Tour – Lunch with Ambassador Yang Yanyi

Ambassador Yang Yanyi Stated she was impressed by the EUCCC and expressed her appreciation for the contribution it makes to promoting understanding of China.

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2016-01-27 > Beijing

EU Tour -Meeting with MedTech Europe

A delegation of European Chamber met with Merlin Rietschel to discuss on Med Tech issues.

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2016-01-27 > Beijing

EU Tour – Meeting with Commissioner Vella (DG ENV)

A delegation of the European Chamber met with Commissioner Vella of DG Trade to discuss environment and economy-related issues

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2016-01-27 > Beijing

EU Tour –Meeting with Commissioner Vestager

A delegation of Euroepan Chamber met with Commissioner Vestager to discuss on business between EU and China.

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2016-01-27 > Beijing

EU Tour – Meeting with Deputy Director-General Sean Berrigan

A delegation of European Chamber met with Deputy Director-General Sean Berrigan to discuss on market issues for EU-China.

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2016-01-27 > Beijing

EU Tour –Meeting with Digital Europe

A delegation of European Chamber met with Digital Europe.

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2016-01-27 > Beijing

EU Tour – Meeting with Eurofinas

 Introduction of the European Chamber, Consumer Finance & NBFI Working Group and Position Paper. Presentation recent developments in China, particularly in the area of fintech.
 Discussion potential collaborations.

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2016-01-27 > South China

T20 Qianhai International Financial Forum

T20 Qianhai International Financial Forum on 'Global Financial Governance and Innovation' was held at Shenzhen Wuzhou Guest House.

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2016-01-26 > Shanghai

EU Tour Auto Components Working Level Meeting with DG GROW

Serafino Bartolozzi and Tiantian Qi met several counterparts in DG Trade and DG GROW.

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2016-01-26 > Beijing

EU Tour –Meeting with Diego Sammaritano (DG RTD)

A delegation of European Chamber met with Diego Sammaritano (DG RTD) to discuss on the general business environment in China.

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