Archive for 2010

HR seminars on Labour outsourcing related issues

  • 2010-03-25 | 13:30
  • 6 floor, Nikko Hotel Tianjin

Impact of Banking Policies on Foreign Invested Companies

  • 2010-03-23 | 09:30
  • Crowne Plaza Shenzhen 深圳威尼斯皇冠假日酒店

Freefall: Lessons from the global financial crisis for economic theory and policy

  • 2010-03-23 | 08:00
  • Raffles Beijing Hotel
Shanghai > Seminars

China Goes West

Experiences and opportunities in Western China

  • 2010-03-23 | 08:00
  • Sofitel Hyland

Increase your impact in interpersonal interactions!

  • 2010-03-19 | 15:30
  • Sofitel Galaxy
South China > Seminars

2010 Total Remuneration Survey (TRS) - Guangzhou

European Chamber Supported HR Seminar exclusively organized by Mercer ? A Global Leader for Trusted HR and Related Financial Advice

  • 2010-03-19 | 13:30
  • The Ritz-Carlton Hotel 广州富力丽思卡尔顿酒店
Members only
South China > Seminars

2010 Total Remuneration Survey (TRS) - Shenzhen

European Chamber Supported HR Seminar exclusively organized by Mercer ? A Global Leader for Trusted HR and Related Financial Advice

  • 2010-03-18 | 13:00
  • Crowne Plaza Hotel 深圳威尼斯皇冠假日酒店
Members only
Tianjin > Seminars

People Risk Management for Manufacturing Companies

In cooperation with Int'l SOS and Crisis & Risk Consulting

  • 2010-03-17 | 14:30
  • Nikko Hotel Tianjin
Members only
Shanghai > Seminars

Sustainable Hospitality Industry

Chamber Supported Event...

A Practical Seminar for Mainstreaming CSR & Sustainability to Your Organization

  • 2010-03-17 | 09:00
  • CEIBS (China Europe Int'l Business School)

China Tax Development on General Anti-avoidance Rules: Insights and Potential Defenses Against Substance Challenges

  • 2010-03-16 | 08:45
  • Ernst & Young Hua Ming Guangzhou Office