Archive for 2019

The European Chamber is delighted to be joined by the former US Ambassador the EU, His Excellency Anthony Gardner. During this seminar, Ambassador Gardner will consider where China fits into this tripartite equation and share his take on topics more closely relating to European business interests, including Europe’s engagement with the Belt and Road Initiative, the development of an investment screening mechanism, and the revival of calls for a new European industrial policy.

  • 2019-05-13 | 13:30 - 15:00
  • Hilton Hotel Beijing, Event Room Vision 7

In this seminar, Guangzhou Tax Bureau will brief the members on the new Individual Income Tax Law (IIT) and handle members questions. During this seminar, Tax Experts from Deloitte will help you to understand comprehensively the new IIT and its implication for both foreigners and Chinese citizens. It will also cover IIT incentives for GBA area talents.

  • 2019-05-13 - 2019-05-13 | 14:00 - 17:00
  • Deloitte Office Meeting Room

1st Executive Briefing of Shandong Initiative

  • 2019-05-11 | 17:00 - 20:00
  • 1st floor, VIP Room 13, Chinese Restaurant, Hilton Yantai Golden Coast 烟台金海岸希尔顿酒店一楼玉玺中餐厅VIP13, 535-6107777

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China is delighted to welcome Anthony Gardner, Senior Advisor at Brunswick Group and former US Ambassador to the European Union, to share with participants his views on the road ahead for EU-US-China Relations.

  • 2019-05-10 | 09:00 - 10:20
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office, Unit 2204
Shanghai > Social

2019 Europe Day Reception

To celebrate Europe Day, the Shanghai Chapter of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, with the support of the Consulates General of the Member States of the European Union in Shanghai, will host its annual Europe Day Reception at HELLAS House.
Europe Day is an annual celebration of peace and unity in Europe. Join us on 9th May and celebrate Europe Day with members of the European Chamber, partners, and representatives from Consulates and other partners.

  • 2019-05-09 | 18:30 - 20:00
  • HELLAS House

Find out what’s been happening in the recruitment sector in Greater China with our original survey of over 5,000 professionals. You’re invited to join our Zoom webinar on 9th May (Thursday).

  • 2019-05-09 | 15:00 - 17:00
  • Webinar

This Sustainable Business Talk: Corporate Social Shared Value CEO Talk with Volvo CE, in the afternoon of 8th May, will invite Volvo Construction Equipment to share their social shared value strategy and their experience on integrating CSV into corporate values. As a world leading construction equipment manufacturer, Volvo CE is driven by the idea that through imagination, hard work and technological innovation they will lead the way towards developing a world that is cleaner, smarter, and more connected.

  • 2019-05-08 | 14:30 - 16:00
  • European Chamber Office Shanghai, Unit 2204, Shui On Plaza, 333 Hua Hai Zhong Road, Shanghai

The IPR Working Group is delighted to invite you to visit the world's leading IP innovator Huawei Technologies and learn from their global IP strategy. During this event, we will visit its picturesque Songshanhu Base and learn from its IP practise on how to drive innovation.

  • 2019-05-08 | 14:00 - 16:00
  • Huawei Songshanhu Base

The 21st annual EU-China Summit took place on April 9, 2019 in Brussels. To get inside the headiness, the European Chamber invites you to join a member-only EU-China Summit debrief by Ulrich Weigl, Minister Counselor and Head of Trade Section at the EU Delegation.

  • 2019-04-29 | 14:00 - 15:30
  • European Chamber Beijing Chapter, 4th Floor, Office C405, Lufthansa Centre

On 26th October, the Shenyang Chapter of the European Union Chamber of Commerce is going to have a friendly match for all European chamber members and the staffs of foreign-funded enterprises in Shenyang. 欧盟商会沈阳分会将于2019年10月26日为在沈的外资企业举办羽毛球友谊赛!

  • 2019-04-27 | 14:00 - 16:30
  • Angli Information Park昂立信息园