Archive for 2020

此课程提供免费试听:感兴趣的学员可先报名参加 8月3日20:00~21:00的免费试听课程

Free trial offer: For those who are interested, please sign up for the free trial course. Free trial course lasts from 8pm to 9pm on August 3.

  • 2020-09-01 - 2020-12-05 | 09:00 - 22:00
  • Online ( the way to enter the webinar will be shared prior to the event)

The European Chamber is delighted to invite you to attend this webinar to learn more on Cross-industry Mentor Initiative and be prepared to enroll the next phase. If you are the female leaders who are in the mid- to senior-level management aiming to break the bottlenecks in the career path, wishing to brand yourself better and expand the networking, please sign up and listen to the sharing from our speakers.

  • 2020-08-31 | 16:30 - 17:30
  • Online - Zoom Online Meeting Platform

Enterprise Reputation Management - how to deal with online attacks

  • 2020-08-28 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • European Chamber Beijing Chapter, 4th Floor, Office C405, Lufthansa Centre

战略管理-竞争对手与竞品分析 训练营
Strategic management training camp - Competitor and Competitive Product Analysis
Precise product positioning
Starting from market segmentation, find your target market, accurately position the products, and maximize the benefits
Teaching by professional instructors
Top3 consultant teacher in global subdivision field, 24+ years of practical experience in project management of party a, party b and party c, cross-industry, cross-functional department and cross-character companies
Reports come from practice
Through the output of each class, step by step, directly output competitive product analysis report

  • 2020-08-25 - 2020-09-23 | 19:30 - 21:30
  • Online ( the way to enter the webinar will be shared prior to the event)

The European Chamber is delighted to invite you to an online discussion upon the topic “Looking Back and Ahead: The Ongoing Legislation Progress of China’s Social Credit System and its Future Prospects”, where our distinguished guests Dr. LUO Peixin, Deputy Director of Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Justice, Dr.YAO Jia, Law Professor at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Ms. GAO Yan, Partner, Tax Services, PwC China will share their insights and interpretations on critical official documents as well as their perspectives on the future progress in the regard.

  • 2020-08-24 | 09:00 - 10:45
  • Zoom/European Chamber Office Beijing, Room C405


博恩·崔西(Brian Tracy)美国首屈一指的个人成长权威人士,关于时间和目标管理说过这样一句话:用80%的精力做20%最重要的事情,用80%的时间来处理会影响到未来的事情。



  • 2020-08-18 - 2020-09-03 | 19:30 - 20:00
  • Online ( the way to enter the webinar will be shared prior to the event)

The European Chamber is pleased to invite Mr. Eric-Mark Huitema, Director General of the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA), Mr. Anders HOVE, CFA, Project Director, German Energy Transition Expertise for China Project, Mr. Luke LU, Founder and CEO of Zbestpower Technology Co., Ltd. to share their insights and experience in the integration of green energy and mobility, as well as how the renewable energy and NEV market can seize the opportunities brought about by China’s New Infrastructure Plan.

  • 2020-08-14 | 15:00 - 16:30
  • Zoom (On-line Meeting)

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China is pleased to welcome Yuen Yuen Ang, Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Michigan and author of the book “China’s Gilded Age: the Paradox of Economic Boom & Vast Corruption” for a webinar hosted by David Rennie, Beijing Bureau Chief and Chaguan Columnist at The Economist. Book your seat now and join us for this special webinar on 13th August from 9:00am to 10:15am GMT+8 (12th August 9:00pm-10:15pm EST).

  • 2020-08-13 | 09:00 - 10:15
  • Online - Zoom Online Meeting Platform

This Webinar will focus on common cyber fraud and risks exacerbated by the COVID-19 outbreak leading to losses of millions of USD/EURO/RMB. Our speakers will share their insight on how to navigate through these risks, practical steps to decrease risk and a recovery path for those who have already been victims of cyber fraud.

The European Chamber is pleased to welcome Simon Hui, Partner, Baker McKenzie, Gillian Lam, Senior Associate, Baker McKenzie, Angel Gomez de Agreda, Air Force Colonel and Head of Geopolitical Analysis, Spanish Ministry of Defense, and Mikhail Konovalov, Digital Transformation Lead, Bayer to share their expertise and guidelines on the above-mentioned issues. Join us on 2nd July 16:00 (GMT+8).

  • 2020-08-13 | 16:00 - 17:30
  • Online


Enterprise data management





Course benefits:

Grasp the two data models in work;

Improve the efficiency of sorting out non-standard data;

Improve the ability of data analysis, respond to the data demand of the superior quickly;

Chart making and beautification, making professional business charts and dynamic board of key indicators.

  • 2020-08-12 - 2020-08-13 | 13:30 - 16:30
  • Online ( the way to enter the webinar will be shared prior to the event)