
The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, Shenyang Chapter, together with Lamuse Atelier and WINEDORA, sincerely invites you to attend the Flower Embroidery---French Style, 14:00-16:30, 21st March. Language: English & Chinese.
我们荣幸邀请您参加中国欧盟商会沈阳分会,Lamuse Atelier与WINEDORA桥上3月21日14:00-16:30联手举办的法绣海棠花活动. 语言:中文&英文

  • 2021-03-21 - 2021-03-21 | 14:00 - 16:30

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China Shenyang Chapter is honored to invite you to the Special Liaoning Provincial Museum Visit-Tang and Song Eight Masters Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition from 9:45 to 12:00 ( Saturday ), 20th March, 2021 at Liaoning Provincial Museum. 中国欧盟商会沈阳分会诚邀您参加辽宁省博物馆特别展览---唐宋八大家书画展。时间为2021年3月20日(星期六)9:45-12:00。地点为辽宁省博物馆。

  • 2021-03-20 | 09:45 - 13:30
  • Liaoning Provincial Museum

Non-taxable Benefits Cut-off for Foreign Expats and 2021 Local Chair Election

  • 2021-02-23 | 14:30 - 16:00
  • Zoom (线上活动) | Chongqing Office, Room 105, A2 Block, SinoSwiss Technopark
Members only
Shenyang > Social

Appreciation Wine Party

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China is delighted to invite you to our Appreciation Wine Party from 17:00 to 18:30 at Le Meridien Hotel. 欧盟商会沈阳分会荣幸的邀请您参与十一月29日17:00-18:30于艾美酒店举办的会员答谢酒会。

  • 2018-11-29 | 17:00 - 18:30
  • Le Meridien Hotel
Members only

InterChamber Mixer
Social event

  • 2018-10-11 | 18:00 - 21:00
  • Jinyue Restaurant, 5th Floor, VIP Building, Jin Jiang Hotel 锦江宾馆贵宾楼5楼 锦悦法餐厅
Shenyang > Social

Red Beach Bicycle Race

Aren't you looking forward to a bicycle race with true nature, on the beach? Bring your family, invite your friends and partners to this exclusive occasion in Panjin!

  • 2018-09-15 | 14:45 - 17:50
  • Panjin Red Beach

The 3rd Anniversary of Garden City International Residence & Sino-European Art Exhibition at Chongqing Aristocratic Family Club

  • 2018-09-14 | 18:00 - 21:00
  • Chencheng Mansion,Chongqing Garden City 重庆协信公馆小区陈诚公馆

Autumn InterChamber Mixer

  • 2018-09-13 | 18:30 - 21:30
  • Latitude29°, 1F, Le Meridien Chongqing, Nan'an 重庆富力艾美酒店一楼北纬29度

The European Union Chamber of Commerce Shenyang Chapter, together with the Ailleurs & Le Basque is thrilled to invited you to participate in the “ Charity night——Cross-Cultural Networking Night” on August 31th from 18:00 to 21:30.


  • 2018-08-31 | 18:00
  • Ailleurs lab

The event aims at providing members and friends a chance to enjoy the charm of football together, meanwhile enhancing the communication and exchanges in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. With the strong support of the CISS, guests will either play or watch the game, enjoy delicious buffet with BBQ, beer and wine! 本次活动诣在提供会员与友人一个共享足球美丽的机会。在轻松愉快的氛围下增进友谊,共同交流。在沈阳加拿大外籍人员子女学校的大力支持下,宾客将参加或观看足球友谊赛!共享美味烧烤,共饮美酒,共赏美景!

  • 2018-08-19 | 13:30 - 18:30
  • Canadian International School of Shenyang