
At this year’s annual Human Capital Conference, the European Chamber is delighted to invite CEOs and Human Resources leaders from well-known companies to provide insights on the changing trends in leadership styles, and share their best practices. There will also be a group discussion to collect and share the inputs from different industries.

  • 2020-11-12 | 13:00 - 18:30
  • Four Seasons Hotel, Beijing Ballroom
Beijing > Conference

[STAKEHOLDERS ONLY] Policy Meeting on the Fifth Plenum

The EU SME Centre and the European Chamber are delighted to invite you to join the first Policy Meeting of the EU SME Centre’s Phase III, which was launched on the 1st October 2020 for an 18-month period. In this inaugural event, Mr Chen Long, Partner at Plenum, and Ms. Imogen Page-Jarrett, Research Analyst at the Economist Intelligence Unit, will provide a hot off the press press analysis of the Fifth Plenum, specifically with regards to China’s mid- and long-term strategy, embodied in the 14th Five-Year Plan and in the leadership’s vision for 2035. The conversation will be moderated by Mr. Renzo Isler, the newly appointed Director at the EU SME Centre.

  • 2020-10-30 | 10:00 - 11:30
  • Four Seasons Beijing Tang I, third floor
Members only

Upgrading its healthcare system has been one of China’s major reform priorities in recent years, with the provision of advanced, innovative medical devices at the core of this plan. Medical devices play a crucial role in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, so they are key to China’s goal of improving the overall health of the population, as laid out in the government strategy ‘Healthy China 2030’.
The European Chamber is delighted to hold its second Medical Device Forum On 29th October in Beijing, co-hosted by the European Coordination Committee of the Radiological, Electromedical and Healthcare IT Industry (COCIR), under the theme “The ‘New Normal’ in the Post-COVID-19 Era: Innovation Drives ‘Healthy China’”.

  • 2020-10-29 | 09:00 - 17:05
  • First Floor, Infinity Ballroom, Hilton Beijing | 北京希尔顿酒店一层 天元宫

联合国妇女署中国办公室将于 10 月23日举办在线讲座“关注雇主责任——与企业相关的性别平等法律及政策”。智联招聘为此次讲座的支持机构。

  • 2020-10-23 | 10:00 - 11:15
  • ZOOM在线会议
Beijing > Conference

2020 Cybersecurity Conference

Despite presenting serious challenges throughout 2020, COVID-19 has not managed to impact the ineluctable roll-out of new, significant pieces of Cybersecurity implementation rules and draft laws in China. One notable release was the draft Data Security Law in July 2020. China’s determination to more-stringently regulate its cyberspace have been paralleled by a doubling of compliance endeavours from foreign businesses in China, which has increased both the cost and the operational burden of doing business, at least in the short-term.
In order to examine how the Cybersecurity Law and the Data Security Draft Law will coexist, and what the long-term impact will be on European companies operating in China, the European Chamber as assembled a distinguished group of government representatives, lawyers, security experts and industry representatives to discuss this topic at its annual Cybersecurity Conference.

  • 2020-10-22 | 13:30 - 18:30
  • Second Floor, Wangfu Ballroom, The Peninsula Beijing | 北京王府半岛酒店二层

Shandong dialogue

  • 2020-08-27 | 16:00 - 18:30
  • Webinar via video links

The cause of globalisation has had a difficult few years, with populist sentiment on the rise and the US pulling back from its traditional multilateral roles. This is driving a rethink of long-held beliefs about the economics of development, and finding adequate responses to deal with emerging challenges has become the priority for all stakeholders. With global growth outlooks looking increasingly bearish at a time when a variety of factors are limiting the responses available to the EU and China, it is all the more pressing to explore the options that remain for governments and businesses alike.

  • 2019-12-03 | 08:30 - 12:35
  • Wangfu Ballroom, The Peninsula Beijing | 北京王府半岛酒店

One of the hottest words of 2019 is ‘uncertainty’. With the impact of the trade war between the US and China, the significant advancements in new technologies (AI, automation and robotics), and the talent battle within the leading domestic companies in China, we are experiencing disruptive changes in both our personal lives and the workplace.

  • 2019-11-28 | 08:20 - 12:30
  • Grand Ballroom, Beijing Marriott Hotel Northeast | 北京海航大厦万豪酒店

This symposium will focus on current antitrust issues facing companies doing business in China, in the EU, US and other important foreign markets.

  • 2019-11-20 - 2019-11-21 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Multi-Functional Hall, Grand Building, BEIJING FRIENDSHIP HOTEL

With each passing tweet, the US-China trade dispute continues to deepen and threaten to move towards a more strategic level confrontation. While most analysts would agree the trade war has yet to have any real effect on the economy, pressure is being applied at a difficult time, when Chinese economic planners are seeking to alleviate the risk that has developed through years of aggressive credit-driven expansion.

  • 2019-05-29 | 15:00 - 18:00
  • Hilton Hotel Beijing, Signature Ballroom B