
This year, Bao'an Sino-German (Europe) Industrial Development Cooperation Alliance is going to host a series of activities focusing on strengthening international cooperation and exchanges between Shenzhen Bao'an and Europe, especially Germany, together with the German Industry & Commerce Guangzhou.

  • 2020-12-02 - 2020-12-03 | 09:00 - 18:00
  • JW Marriott Hotel (Bao'an)

The Zhongshan authorities understood that difficulties and challenges were faced by European Chamber members and would like the opportunity to discuss matters in a personal manner. This event is for EUCCC Zhongshan Members only.

  • 2020-10-21 | 10:00 - 11:00
  • Zhongshan Government
Members only

随着中国高科技制造业数字化转型的日益深入,企业在数据标准化、数据拉通、数据价值挖掘等方面存在广泛的需求。同时数据是业务流程的“血脉”,高科技制造业在业务流程精细化、标准化, 以及全球化推广方面也存在跨领域拉通与优化的要求。

德勤中国在业务流程咨询和数据咨询方面积累了丰富的经验,服务过众多高科技制造业行业客户, 帮助客户实现业务发展和提升运营效率。华为是全球公认的通信服务行业领导者,在云服务、数据中台、数据库方面有非常成熟的产品,为众多高科技制造业客户的数字化转型提供技术与产品服务。

结合德勤中国的咨询经验和华为的技术优势,我们将于 1 月 10 日在深圳联合举办“数字化转型 的两翼—“数据”与“流程”主题研讨会(高科技制造业专场)”,届时,您将有机会与德勤中国以及华为的业界资深专家,围绕业务流程改善、数据价值挖掘、数字化转型落地等话题进行深入交流和讨论。

  • 2020-01-10 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • The Westin Shenzhen Nanshan

European Chamber and Dongguan Foreign Investment Promotion Center invite you to join the Meeting with Various Dongguan Government Departments on June 27.
Representatives from 10 departments in Dongguan Government will join the meeting this time. Policies aiming at attracting foreign investment and other concerned topics will be explained and discussed. This will help European enterprises better understand the business opportunities in Dongguan and seize the opportunity to develop in Dongguan. Moreover, it helps enterprises adapt to the local business environment.
After conferring  our member companies, the topics covered in  this meeting will include, but are not limited to,  the establishment of Greater Bay Area, industrial development, manufacturing safety, waste and pollution management, talent attraction, and disabled employment security.
Please check the arrangement of the meeting below. If you are interested in this meeting, please contact Pingrui Zhao ( for registration.

  • 2019-06-27 | 09:00 - 11:00
  • 东莞市投资促进局一楼3号会议室
Members only
South China > Forums

Women in Business Forum

Following on from last year’s successful event, the British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong is planning on holding its 2019 Women in Business (WIB) Forum inShenzhen. The event has been held for 7 years in a row in Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and welcomed over 200 guests each year.

Through this forum, the BritCham hopes to establish a platform for women to exchange and inspire each other, allowing them to find their true character and place in life.

  • 2019-05-31 - 2019-05-31 | 13:30 - 17:00
  • Hilton Shenzhen Shekou Nanhai, Shenzhen

In this workshop, we will look into the most prominent characteristics and trends of leading Chinese social platforms, and how the evolution is paving new ways of thinking and marketing funnel for brands. We will also examine the changing behavior of today’s social media users, understanding how they consume and interact with content and key opinion leaders.

  • 2019-03-28 | 14:00 - 17:00
  • Aon, 怡安翰威特咨询有限公司深圳分公司


  • 2018-07-26 | 13:00 - 17:15
  • 广州天河希尔顿酒店四楼M2厅

Issues related to "How to Get Subsidies from Chinese Government"

  • 2016-10-28 | 08:15 - 09:30
  • The Mountainside Staff Room, Class Building # 4, 2nd floor (above the library), Shekou International School 蛇口国际学校4号教学楼2楼
Members only

How can the procurement department in an importing or manufacturing company help drive bottom-line results? What KPIs to track? What are the best practices and when are they applicable?

  • 2016-10-24 - 2016-10-24 | 15:00 - 18:00
  • European Chamber Office Guangzhou, 28th Floor, Room 2817

2016 Global Value Chain Innovation Development Summit is coming on 12th and 13th of October

  • 2016-10-12 - 2016-10-13 | 08:30 - 17:30
  • Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center