
To learn the business environment and recommendations from our Working Group members about European Business in China

  • 2017-09-21 | 14:30 - 16:30
  • 2&3 Yangtzi River Meeting Room, 3F, Radisson Blu Plaza Chongqing 重庆丽笙世嘉酒店3楼长江2&3厅

Position Paper Launch

  • 2017-09-20 | 18:00 - 20:30
  • Jade Ballroom, F2, The Ritz-Carlton, Chengdu 成都富力丽思卡尔顿酒店 二楼翡翠厅

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China is delighted to invite you to the launch of the European Business in China – Position Paper 2017/2018 on Tuesday, 19th September 2017.

  • 2017-09-19 | 14:00 - 15:30
  • Beijing Marriott Hotel Northeast, Grand Ballroom I

Aren't you looking forward to a weekend with true nature, bicycle race on the beach, live music, feast of food , five star hotel and informative seminar? Bring your family, invite your friends and partners to this exclusive occasion in Panjin only with the cost of the trip!

  • 2017-09-09 - 2017-09-10 | 08:30 - 17:00
  • Panjin


  • 2017-09-08 | 16:00 - 19:00
  • Meeting Room: Yinxing Room. Dinner Room: Shudu Room Chengdu Tianfu International Financial Center
Members only

"The new China Cyber Security Law, which took effect on June 1, 2017, poses many questions and insecurities for all companies operating in China, especially for those that handle employee and customer data cross-border.
As it is customary, the law appears to be passed and in effect before the underlying implications, enforcement mechanisms and potential penalties are clear. In comparison, the EU has also passed such new law, but it will only go into effect by mid 2018.
How do local and global industry leaders view this new law? What are the expected implications in the Automotive sector? A regulation that deals with data in the whole will have an effect on all aspects of trade, be it employee data, e.g. for Chinese citizens working on international assignments, consumer data across the nation and any other data collected. The August Automotive Roundtable will serve as platform to discus all these questions.

  • 2017-08-29 - 2017-08-29 | 16:00 - 18:00
  • Accenture Office, 21F, ROOM 001+002

Visit to Shuangliu Free Trade Zone
Meeting with Shuangliu Government

  • 2017-08-29 | 13:30 - 17:10
  • Shuangliu Free Trade Zone

Philips Chengdu Plant Visit

  • 2017-07-25 | 13:00 - 16:40
  • Philips Chengdu Plant

Dear Members and Friends,
Do you have a clear picture what should be a world-class Shop Floor Management?
On 24th July, The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China Shenyang Chapter, together with Staufen will deliver a Shop Floor Management training in Chinese at BMW plant.

  • 2017-07-24 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • The training room (1st floor) of BMW Tiexi plant
Shenyang > Other

7th Club France Job Fair

The Job Fair will welcome the Club France members with diverse academic and working backgrounds. At the fair, you can recruit the qualified candidates on spot and advertise your company.

  • 2017-07-01 | 14:00 - 17:30
  • Sofitel Shenyang Lido