Upcoming Events

【Course Background】
In today's modern work environment, effective communication plays a crucial role in various aspects such as daily interactions, document writing, annual summaries, work reports, product presentations, competitive job interviews, proposal presentations, and customer service. Some individuals can attract audiences with impeccable language skills, but real influence lies in the insights and impact generated by their expressions. Particularly in this era of abundant information and widespread individual voices, excellent communication skills are undeniably key to acquiring more resources, seizing opportunities, and enhancing personal value.One of the primary reasons for unclear communication is the lack of structured thinking. Logical thinking is not innate but can be enhanced through systematic training. This logical ability is crucial not only for oral communication but also for work skills such as decision-making, writing, problem-solving, and planning.Therefore, starting from the basics of logical thinking, this course aims to teach a series of practical and targeted communication techniques and methods. Through this learning process, participants will simultaneously enhance their logical thinking and communication abilities. They will develop into professionals with independent insights, keen insights, and influence, enabling them to garner greater support, seize more opportunities in the fiercely competitive workplace environment, and ultimately achieve more fruitful results.

  • 2024-08-27 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online Training

本课程旨在通过 AI 技术升级 Excel 数据分析,帮助学员掌握数据预处理、数据清洗、数据建模、数据分析和可视化展示等方面的知识和技能。课程内容丰富,涵盖了数据分析的各个方面,旨在帮助学员全面提升数据分析能力。
Course Background:
This course aims to upgrade Excel data analysis through AI technology, helping participants master skills in data preprocessing, data cleaning, data modeling, data analysis, and visualization. The course is comprehensive, covering all aspects of data analysis, and aims to enhance participants' data analysis capabilities.

  • 2024-09-03 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online Training

This course aims to upgrade Excel data analysis through AI technology, and help students master the knowledge and skills in data preprocessing, data cleaning, data modeling, data analysis and visual presentation. The course is rich in content, covering all aspects of data analysis, and aims to help students comprehensively improve their data analysis skills.

  • 2024-09-03 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Teams online

• Actively respond to climate change and improve the company's carbon risk management capabilities
• Respond to customer requirements and implement carbon disclosure actions to improve market competitiveness
• Identify opportunities and action directions for energy conservation, emission reduction and cost reduction
• Meet the market's demand for low-carbon information and guide green consumption fashion

  • 2024-09-19 - 2024-09-20 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • BV Nanjing office 必维南京办公室

Digital Material Flow Cost Management Accounting Methods for Sustainable Manufacturing is an area that focuses on the intersection between sustainable manufacturing practices, digital technologies, and accurate costing and management. This one-day course aims to introduce participants to how modern information technology can be leveraged to enhance the management of material flow costs, thereby achieving the dual goals of economic efficiency and environmental responsibility. Through this course, participants should gain a comprehensive understanding of sustainable manufacturing and digital cost management, along with initial implementation capabilities. Additionally, they will comprehend the importance of integrating environmental factors into cost management and how to use digital tools to improve cost efficiency and the environmental performance of the enterprise.

  • 2024-10-18 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Industry 4.0 Demonstration and Innovation Center 中德工业4.0技术展示创新中心

This "emotion management course" is to help students upgrade the operating system of "emotion", so that emotion and reason can cooperate efficiently and play a role together, and lead students to conduct in-depth self-inquiry and awareness, get out of the emotional "stuck" point, improve the ability to get along with pressure, and maintain a positive attitude in an uncertain environment.这门“情绪管理课”就是要帮助学员升级“情绪”这个操作系统,让情绪与理性高效配合,共同发挥作用,并带领同学们进行深度的自我探询与觉察,走出情绪“卡”点,提升与压力相处的能力,在不确定的环境中保持积极心态。

  • 2024-10-22 | 09:00 - 16:30
  • Teams online

Shop floor management is a well-established management concept for strengthening coordination and fostering a culture of continuous improvement. Shop floor management is much more than meetings and key figures. In essence, it is about a human-centered understanding of leadership that puts employee development in the spotlight. Personal contact, regular coordination and a high degree of identification with the results of the work are crucial to the success. The market demands ever greater flexibility, requiring stable and controlled processes. Success results from the real-time transparency of performance losses combined with the timely elimination of problems across departments. Historical data is only of limited help here, so the digitalization of shop floor management offers enormous advantages.

  • 2024-10-25 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Industry 4.0 Demonstration and Innovation Center 中德工业4.0技术展示创新中心

Optimal internal logistic processes are critical for an efficient production process: The right material needs to be at the right place in the right quantities at the right time. Guiding principles originating from lean production, such as kanban systems and milk-run, are introduced in this course. Additionally, the transfer of these principles into the digital factory is discussed. The training contents are supported by hands-on application scenarios in our Innovation Center.

  • 2024-11-22 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Industry 4.0 Demonstration and Innovation Center 中德工业4.0技术展示创新中心