Working Group News

2006-07-13 > Shanghai

European Chamber meets with Director-General Zourek

On July 12th members of the European Chamber had the opportunity to brief Director General Heinz Zourek of DG Enterprise and Industry at a dinner organized by the Chamber in Shanghai.

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2006-07-10 > Beijing

European Chamber meets with Mrs. Lalis, Director for Consumer Goods

Mrs. Lalis, Director for Consumer Goods (automobile, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, medical devices and food) within the Directorate General met with Chairpersons of related Working Groups.

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2006-07-07 > Shanghai

Breakfast Panel Discussion on Complying with Anti-Corruption Laws

On June 22nd, the European Chamber in Shanghai held a Breakfast Panel Discussion on Compliance with Anti Corruption Laws.

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2006-06-30 > Shanghai

Understanding China's Development Zones

On Thursday, June 29th, the European Chamber in Shanghai held its second conference. ‘Understanding China’s Development Zones’ was aimed at companies seeking practical and up to date information about development zones in China.

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2006-06-19 > Beijing

A World of Opportunity: China and the future of international trade

In this speech at Renmin University in Beijing on 8 June 2006, EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson calls on China to move to meet its outstanding WTO commitments or risk a backlash in Europe against its perceived trading power.

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2006-06-15 > Beijing

Dialogue and negotiation the way forward.

The Advisory Council emphasized the need for firm pressure as well as increased dialogue in their meeting with EU Trade Commissionner, Peter Mandelson.

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2006-06-12 > Beijing

SAIC offers partial clarification on changes to liaison office registration

At a meeting on 22nd May, SAIC clarified the changes to liaison office registration and answered questions raised by industry.

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