Advocacy Actions

2015-04-23 > All chapters

Meeting with CCFDIE on China International Medical Device Regulatory (CIMDR) Forum

COCIR was invited by China Center for Food and Drug International Exchange (CCFDIE) of CFDA for the kick-off meeting for CIMDR VI in Y2015, especially for the Medical Imaging sub-forum.

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2015-04-23 > Beijing

Renewable Energy Working Group Meeting to discuss the Position Paper

The Deputy Director of the think tank Policy Research Center for Environment and Economy was invited to analyse and discuss the Renewable Energy Position Paper

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2015-04-22 > Shanghai

Shanghai High People’s Court Press Conference on IP Judicial Protection

Shanghai High People’s Court Press Conference on IP Judicial Protection

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2015-04-21 > Shanghai

Meeting with Mrs. Mieke Vandestraeten, Counsellor of the Trade section, EU Delegation in China 21 April 2015

EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) , Presentation by Mrs. Mieke Vandestraeten, Counselor of the Trade section, EU Delegation to China

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2015-04-20 > Shanghai

Exclusive Roundtable with Shanghai DRC on the 13th Five-year-plan

Exclusive Roundtable with Shanghai DRC on the 13th FYP

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2015-04-17 > Beijing

Lobby Letter to the Commission of Legislative Affairs Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC)

On 17th April, the PN Desk submitted a lobby letter to the Commission of Legislative Standing Committee of the NPC regarding the industry concerns on the Advertisement Law.

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2015-04-17 > Beijing, Shanghai

Meeting with the CFDA on Registration Fees for Medical Devices

A delegation of the HCE Working Group of the EUCCC visited the CFDA and exchanged opinions about the planned registration fees for medical devices.

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2015-04-17 > Shanghai

Call For Comments: Auto Sales Management Methods – Internal (Second Draft)

Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) Auto Sales Management Methods - Internal Second Draft

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2015-04-17 > Beijing

Speaking opportunity at NDRC – CCUD China International Urbanisation Forum 2015

A representative from the Chamber was invited as a speaker during the NDRC – CCUD China International Urbanisation Forum 2015

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2015-04-14 > Shanghai

Shanghai Intellectual Property Administration Briefing

Shanghai Intellectual Property Administration Briefing

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