Advocacy Actions

2020-04-03 > Beijing, Shanghai

Submitted comments to MIIT on GB 30000.1—202X Rules for Classification and Labelling of Chemicals – Part 1: General Specifications

On 4th April, the Environment and Petrochemicals, Chemicals and Refining working group submitted input to MIIT on GB 30000.1—202X Rules for Classification and Labelling of Chemicals – Part 1: General Specifications.

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2020-04-02 > Beijing

Phone Call with Solid Waste and Chemicals Department, Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE)

On 3rd April 2020, Jet Chang, Chairman of the Environment Working Group (EWG) led a delegation from the European Chamber had a phone call with director of Solid Waste and Chemicals Department, Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE). In order to exchange and discuss the updated information on "Waste Free City" Plan implementation in “11 + 5” pilot cities and regions.

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2020-03-20 > Beijing, Shanghai

Submitted input to CPCIF for 14th Five-Year Plan

On 20th March, the European Chamber's Environment and Petrochemicals, Chemicals and Refining working group submitted comments to the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation for inclusion in their 14th 5-Year Plan for the chemical industry.

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2020-03-12 > All chapters

Comments to the Chinese Mission to the EU on Wildlife Protection Law revision

Comments to the Chinese Mission to the EU on Wildlife Protection Law revision

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2020-01-23 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to NPC on Solid Waste Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control Law (2nd Draft for Comments)

On 23rd January, the European Chamber's Environment working group submitted comments to the NPC on "Solid Waste Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control Law (2nd Draft for Comments)".

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2020-01-23 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to NPC on Draft Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of the Yangtze River

On 23rd January, the Environment and Petrochemicals, Chemicals and Refining working groups submitted comments to the NPC on Draft Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of the Yangtze River.

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2019-12-26 > All chapters

Comments to Ministry of Finance on the draft Value Added Tax Law of the People's Republic of China

Finance & Taxation, Environment, GA Forum, Agriculture, Food and Beverage, Human Resources, Logistics, International Liner Shipping Working Groups jointly submitted comments to the Ministry of Finance on the draft Value Added Tax Law of the People's Republic of China.

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2019-12-12 > All chapters

Meeting with Ministry of Environment and Ecology

On 12th December, Ministry of Environment and Ecology (MEE) organized a meeting on environmental credit evaluation system and relevant regulations.

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2019-11-21 > All chapters

Meeting With the New Head of the Section Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, European Union Delegation to China

On 21st November 2019, Jet Chang, chair of the Environment Working Group (EWG) led a delegation from the European Chamber to meet with Mr. Sebastien Paquot, the new Head of the Section Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, European Union Delegation to China. In order to share updates on EU-China cooperation on environment industries-related issues.

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2019-11-19 > Beijing

Meeting with Deputy Director of MEE on the Carbon Emission Right System

On 19th November 2019, the European Energy -Carbon Market Working Group invited LIU Feng, Deputy Director from Ministry of Ecology and Environment to introduce the Chinese Carbon Market Development and the updated policy & regulation on Carbon Emission Right Trading System.

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