Advocacy Actions

2014-11-14 > Beijing

CFDA Call for Comments on "Administration of Standards for Medical Devices"

The Healthcare Equipment Working Group collected and consolidated the opinion of member companies to the CFDA's "Call for Comments to the Administration of Standards for Medical Devices". The consolidated recommendations were forwarded to the CFDA.

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2014-11-13 > All chapters

Meeting with China Renewable Energy Society

Chairs from the Renewable Energy Working Group and the Smart Grid Working Group met with Mr. Shi Dinghuan, President of China Renewable Energy Society, and presented the Position Paper on behalf of the European Chamber. They introduced their respective working groups and advocacies in the Position Paper to Mr. Shi Dinghuan.

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2014-11-12 > Nanjing

Invest in Europe – EUCC Nanjing and Jiangsu China Council for Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) Seminar

The CCPIT Jiangsu Sub Council is a nongovernmental foreign trade and economic cooperation promotion organization. It is subsidized and supported by the People’s Government of Jiangsu Province and aims at promoting trade, investment and cooperation between Jiangsu and the world.

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2014-11-12 > Beijing

Meeting with Shanghai Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau

On 12 November, Cosmetic Working Group of EUCCC met with Shanghai Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, discussing the questions EUCCC CAC raised in the meeting request letter.

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2014-11-11 > Shanghai

Meeting with Director General of Shanghai Intellectual Property Administration

On 11th November the European Chamber in Shanghai met with Mr. Lu Guoqiang, Director General of the Shanghai Intellectual Property Administration.

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2014-11-04 > Beijing

Meeting with China National Renewable Energy Centre

Representatives from the European Chamber met with Associate Research Fellow, Mr. Zhao Yongqiang, from China National Renewable Energy Centre (CNREC) of National Energy Agency (NEA). Peter Edwards prefaced the meeting by introducing the European Chamber. Alfredo Parres introduced the Renewable Energy Working Group and presented the newly published Position Paper to CNREC official on behalf of the EUCCC.

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2014-11-03 > Beijing

Position Paper Presentation to the Vice President of the China Academy of Social Science (CASS)

On 3rd Nov, the European Chamber delegation led by the President Joerg Wuttke met with the Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) Prof. Li Yang. Prof Li welcomed the Chamber delegation and believed that this is a good opportunity to strengthen the relationship between the CASS and the Chamber. President Wuttke presented the Position Paper 2014-2015 to Prof. Li. During the discussion, Prof. Li shared his insights on the Chinese economy development and introduced the recent research works of the CASS. Both parties agreed to increase further cooperation in the future.

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2014-10-31 > Nanjing

Dialogue between China’s National Economic and Technological Development Zones and Fortune 500 Companies

On 31st Oct. the Investment Promotion Agency of the Ministry of Commerce of P. R. China (CIPA) and Ministry of Commerce People's Republic of China co-organized the “Dialogue between China’s National Economic and Technological Development Zones and Fortune 500 Companies”.

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2014-10-30 > Beijing

EU-China Seminar on the Development of Environmental Goods and Services

The roundtable was designed for Chinese officials and industry experts to get a better understanding of the impacts and consequences of further liberalising environmental goods and services.

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2014-10-27 > Beijing

Meeting with MOF on Consumption Tax

On 27th October, F&T WG chair met with Mr. Haiyao Yuan, Assistant Counsel, Tax Policy Department, Ministry of Finance, Ministry Of Finance to brief on recent development of EU consumption tax system, related implementation structure, and exchange PP recommendations with the official.

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