Advocacy Actions

2016-01-29 > Beijing

Meeting with Commercial Counsellor FinPro

EU SME Advocacy Working Group Coordinator Erica Wang met with Seppo Selkälä, Commercial Counsellor of Trade Promotion Centre of Finland Embassy, FinPro.

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2016-01-29 > Beijing

EU Tour – Working level meeting with Cabinet of President Juncker

A delegation of the European Chamber met with representatives of the Cabinet of President Juncker to discuss trade and economy-related issues

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2016-01-28 > Beijing

Lunch with Ambassador Yang Yanyi, Mission of the PRC to the EU

President of the Chamber, Mr. Joerg Wuttke met with Ambassador Yang Yanyi of the Mission of the PRC to the EU. They exchanged views on bilateral trade, China's reform and the European businesses in China at the lunch.

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2016-01-28 > Beijing

InterChamber SME Working Group Meeting

On 28th January 2016, Inter-Chamber SME Working Group Meeting was held successfully in Brussels, this is the very first meeting of this working group in EU.

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2016-01-28 > Beijing

EU Tour – Working level meeting with the European External Action Service (EEAS)

A delegation of the European Chamber met with a representative of the EEAS to discuss trade and economy-related issues

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2016-01-28 > Beijing

EU Tour – Meeting with Commissioner Bulc, DG MOVE

The Commissioner wanted to use this opportunity to continue the discussions that took place with the Chamber during the HED.

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2016-01-28 > Beijing

EU Tour – Meeting with the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)

A delegation of the European Chamber met with representatives of the European Economic and Social Committee to discuss trade and economy-related issues

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2016-01-28 > Beijing

EU Tour – European Political Strategy Centre

A delegation of European Chamber visited the European Political Strategy Centre.

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2016-01-28 > Beijing

Exclusive Dialogue with MIIT on China Manufacturing 2025

An Exclusive Dialogue was held with Mr. Beiguang Li, Deputy Director-General, Planning Department, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), on China Manufacturing 2025.

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2016-01-27 > Shanghai

EU Tour High level meeting with DG MOVE

European Chamber staff had a thorough discussion with Henrik Hololei, Anna SOLE-MENA and Kathrin Obst from DG GROW and DG MOVE. A wide range of issues were covered in this discussion.

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