
2014-08-29 > Shanghai

Opening of Shanghai International Aviation Court of Arbitration

On 28th of August, the Shanghai International Aviation Court of Arbitration was officially launched in Shanghai by Chinese Air Transport Association, the International Air Transport Association and the Shanghai International Arbitration Centre.

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2014-08-29 > All chapters



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2014-08-25 > All chapters

President Wuttke on CCTV

European Chamber President Joerg Wuttke was on the panel of CCTV News’ Dialogue programme entitled ‘China’s Auto Anti-Monopoly Crackdown’, which was aired on 24th August.

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2014-08-21 > Shanghai

Managing Candidates' Experiences through Employer Branding

The importance of Employer Branding in today's labour market.

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2014-08-14 > All chapters

European Chamber issued a statement on Anti-Monopoly Law (AML)-related investigations in China

In the statement, the Chamber stated that effective implementation of China’s Anti-Monopoly Law (AML) would be beneficial for developing a healthy market economy in China, whilst also noting some concerns of European business on the processes and impartiality of the investigations.

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2014-08-14 > All chapters



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2014-08-13 > All chapters

European Chamber releases statement on China AML-related investigations

Based on numerous requests for comments on AML-related investigations in China, the European Chamber is pleased to provide a consolidated stance covering input received from numerous sectors relating to antitrust investigations conducted over the last year.

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2014-07-23 > Shanghai

European Chamber CSR Forum

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Workshop in Shanghai.

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2014-07-17 > Shanghai

M&A Conference successfully held in Shanghai

More than 100 people attended the European Chamber's annual M&A Conference yesterday at the Marriott Hotel City Centre, Shanghai. Chair of the PE-M&A working Group, Mick Adams, moderated the event with the overall title: Marry in Haste, Repent at Leisure.

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