
Are you operating a business in China? Do you face challenges and hurdles? If so, come and share the experience of European companies operating in China over the past year.

  • 2013-09-11 | 14:30 - 18:00
  • The Westin Guangzhou 广州海航威斯汀酒店

How are European companies doing in the current business environment? What does this mean for your future in China? Get the big picture at this year’s Position Paper launch!

  • 2013-09-10 | 08:15 - 11:30
  • the New York Room, 3/F, Grand Mercure - Oriental Ginza Shenzhen 深圳市东方银座美爵酒店三楼纽约厅

InterChamber Breakfast Briefing

  • 2013-09-06 | 07:30 - 09:30
  • Hotel Astor Tianjin 利顺德大酒店

How can I successfully increase Team Engagement?—The Art of being a Smart Leader

  • 2013-09-05 | 15:00 - 18:00
  • Grand Mecure Shenzhen 深圳东方银座雅高美爵酒店

HR Seminar: Employer’s Liabilities and Risk Management

  • 2013-08-27 | 14:30 - 17:00
  • Shenzhen Golden Central Hotel 6F 深圳金中环酒店6楼

TÜV Rheinland Seminar:2013 CSR Reporting

  • 2013-08-21 | 13:30 - 17:00
  • Shangri-La Hotel

InterChamber Breakfast Briefing

  • 2013-08-09 | 07:15 - 09:00
  • Hotel Astor Tianjin 利顺德大酒店


  • 2013-07-26 | 13:30 - 16:30
  • 普华永道天津办公室36层天津厅
Members only


  • 2013-07-23 | 13:30 - 17:00
  • Conference room 707, 7th Floor, Somerset International Building Tianjin | 天津盛捷国际大厦服务公寓七层会议室707

IPR Working Group seminar

  • 2013-07-10 | 09:00 - 11:00
  • The Executive Centre 德事商务中心