
Course Objectives:
Mastering the basic syntax and coding specifications of Python, from no experience to the beginner
Mastering the correct programming thinking methods and code specifications, and writing concise and easy-to-understand normative code
Learning advanced programming methods such as multithreading to write more complex applications
Python controls office software, automatically reads information, automatically processes files, limits overtime work, replies to emails in seconds

  • 2023-07-26 - 2023-09-22 | 19:00 - 20:30
  • Zoom

The importance of the ability to solve problems has increased at the same rate as the pace of economic and technological change in recent years. The only way to successfully navigate through these changes is to be a fluent and creative problem solver. That's why the World Economic Forum has identified complex problem solving as the most important skill for the twenty-first century. As ever more data becomes available, the requirements on the quality of thinking increases steadily. This course introduces the structured process for problem solving that is not taught in universities and still missing in most companies.


  • 2023-07-21 | 09:15 - 17:00
  • KIT Suzhou

Observation and feedback on each student using reflection, practice, improvisation, and personal "play" situational analysis. Create a highly personalized learning environment for trainees and a training classroom close to the coaching method.

It is suitable for team members, project members, team managers, department managers, project managers and cross-departmental staff with different experience backgrounds, who need to effectively improve the working relationship with colleagues and superiors, work better with others, and hope to change their style and Individual contributors and team leads for working methods.

  • 2023-07-21 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office

The Auto Components Working Groups are pleased to invite you to the working group meeting “Roadmap and Action plan for Automotive Components Decarbonization”, which is taking place on Thursday, 20th July 2023, 15:00 -16:30, in European Chamber Shanghai Office and Online.

  • 2023-07-20 | 15:00 - 16:30
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office and Online
Members only

The European Chamber Nanjing Chapter is delighted to invite you to a casual coffee gathering with the newly appointed Minister Counsellor for trade at the EU Delegation Ms. Marjut Hannonen in the afternoon of Thursday, July 20th in Nanjing.

  • 2023-07-20 | 14:30 - 16:00
  • 46F, Executive Lounge, Sofitel Nanjing Galaxy Suning

Shop floor management is a well-established management concept for strengthening coordination and fostering a culture of continuous improvement. Shop floor management is much more than meetings and key figures. In essence, it is about a human-centered understanding of leadership that puts employee development in the spotlight. Personal contact, regular coordination and a high degree of identification with the results of the work are crucial to the success. The market demands ever greater flexibility, requiring stable and controlled processes. Success results from the real-time transparency of performance losses combined with the timely elimination of problems across departments. Historical data is only of limited help here, so the digitalization of shop floor management offers enormous advantages.

车间管理是一个成熟的管理概念,旨在加强协调和培养持续改进的文化。车间管理远不仅仅是会议和关键指标。 从本质上讲,它是一种以人为本的对领导力的理解,聚焦于员工的发展。 个人沟通、定期协调和对工作成果的高度认同是成功的关键。市场要求越来越大的灵活性,这需要稳定和可控的流程。 成功来自于绩效损失的实时透明化,以及跨部门问题的及时消除。历史数据在这里的帮助是有限的,所以车间管理的数字化提供了巨大的优势。

  • 2023-07-14 | 09:15 - 17:00
  • KIT Suzhou

Any company looking to up its e-commerce game in China this year needs to adapt to the changing landscape in marketing tactics and new strategies. According to the State Council’s Institutional Reform Plan released on 7th March 2023, the State Council will establish a National Bureau of Data (NBD). NBD will be in charge of promoting the planning and development of the digital economy, which will potentially impact the business operations of the e-commerce business.

Join us on 11th July to gain insights and receive guidance on new strategies, unforeseen risks and solutions, the latest developments, and best practices from industry heavyweights and experts.

  • 2023-07-11 | 14:00 - 15:30
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office


With the acceleration of the digitization process, the application value of data assets has been paid more attention to because of the increasing requirements of intelligence in various industrial fields. In production, equipment, quality and other aspects can be optimized and intelligent upgrade according to the collected data and images. In this course, we will comprehensively introduce the application theories, methods and advantages of artificial intelligence algorithms such as big data and machine learning in practical scenarios. We will help you discover the value of data in the digital age and help the development of smart manufacturing. The machine learning equipment (PLC controller + machine learning module) used for operation in the course is from Phoenix Contact.

  • 2023-07-11 | 09:15 - 17:00
  • GAMI Suzhou

European Chamber Nanjing Chapter is delighted to annouce that we will hold a Roundtable Discussion on Green Power Trade in Jiangsu on July 11th, 2023. This event will bring together China General Nuclear Power Corporation (CGN), the Jiangsu Provincial Power Trading Center, and experts in related fields to provide professional opinions and suggestions to participants. The seminar aims to jointly explore the current situation and development trends of the green power trading market in Jiangsu Province, as well as the interpretation of energy-saving and emission reduction policies and future implementation paths in Jiangsu Province under the dual-carbon targets. Additionally, specific questions from companies with green power demand will be addressed. A tour to CGN Quanjiao Wind Power Field will also be organized on the same day. This event will be in Chinese.

  • 2023-07-11 | 08:30 - 18:00
  • B楼西苑厅, 华东饭店 Huadong Hotel

Writing ability is one of the core competence of marketing. No matter the press release of the enterprise brand promotion, the product promotion article on the wechat public account, all the marketing and brand publicity work can not be separated from writing. However, many people rarely accept writing training in the process of study and employment after the college entrance examination.
Press release is the most basic publicity tool of the enterprise. However, many corporate press releases actually have a lot of grammatical errors, non-standard writing problems, affecting the professional image of the enterprise.
This course aims to help students master the standard writing of press releases from the basic skills.

  • 2023-07-07 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Zoom online