
The Shenyang Airbus factory is one of Airbus's significant production bases in China. Airbus has consistently been at the forefront of new technological innovation, with its pioneering spirit redefining the aerospace industry. The AVIC Shenyang Aircraft Company (SACC) is a leading manufacturer of civil aircraft body structure components in China, fully participating in the development of the domestic large aircraft C919 and serving as the sole global supplier for some Airbus A220 components. The European Chamber Shenyang Chapter, invites you to join us on March 8 for a visit to the Airbus factory and SACC workshop. This event will explore one of Airbus's most important manufacturing bases in China and understand its position and contribution to the global aviation industry. During the event, we will have the opportunity to closely observe the production workshops and assembly lines of Airbus and SACC, and learn about Airbus's high standards and management system for its parts and materials. Additionally, we will see the factory showcasing some advanced manufacturing technologies and tools, such as automation robots, 3D printing, etc. You are warmly invited to sign up and join the European Chamber, Airbus, and SACC to experience the precision of modern aviation manufacturing.
沈阳空客工厂,是空客在中国设立的重要生产基地之一。空中客车公司始终站在新技术创新的最前沿,其开拓精神重新定义了航空航天业。中航沈飞民用飞机有限责任公司(SACC)是中国民用飞机机体结构部件的骨干生产企业,全程参与了国产大飞机C919的研制,是空客A220一些部件的全球唯一供应商。中国欧盟商会沈阳分会邀请您与3 月 8 日与我们一起参观空中客车公司的工厂及SACC车间,探索空客在中国的最重要制造基地之一,了解其在全球航空产业中的地位和贡献。此次活动我们不但有机会近距离观察空客公司及SACC的生产车间和装配线,而且我们有机会了解空客公司对其零件及材料的高标准要求和管理体系。此外,我们还会看到工厂展示一些先进的制造技术和工具,如自动化机器人、3D打印等。欢迎您踊跃报名,与中国欧盟商会和空客公司和SACC共同感受现代航空制造业的精密。

  • 2024-03-15 | 13:30 - 16:30
  • A03 Building, Shenfei Civil Aircraft
South China > Seminars

China's Economy and Industry Outlook for 2024
Fully booked

On March 5, 2024, Premier Li Qiang delivered the <<Report on the Work of the Government>> at the Second Session of the 14th National People’s Congress of China. Globally, economic recovery was slow, with increasing geopolitical tensions and rising protectionism. Domestically, China faced challenges in economic recovery due to the prolonged impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, exacerbated by existing structural issues and emerging risks in areas such as real estate and financial institutions.

In response to these challenges, the government outlined its tasks for 2024, including issuing ultra-long-term special government bonds and opening up new tracks in emerging fields like quantum technology and life sciences. Additionally, China plans to implement measures to further open up its economy, such as relaxing market access restrictions and promoting cross-border services trade.

To delve deeper into these issues and their implications for businesses, the European Chamber is pleased to host Mr. Xu Sitao, Chief Economist and partner at Deloitte China, to share his insights and forecasts on the economy. Mr. Xu brings extensive experience, having previously served as Chief Representative of China and EIU Forecasting Director at the Economist Group. We will also provide an opportunity for members to introduce themselves and engage in discussion.

  • 2024-03-13 | 10:00 - 11:30
  • 26/F, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP 26楼德勤华永会计师事务所
South China > Forums

MeetUp for Innovative companies
Fully booked

The European Chamber is inviting you to join its “MeetUp for Innovative companies” on March 13th from 18:30 to 21:00 in Shenzhen, at Residence G.

Following various exchanges between member companies on topics such as industry 4.0, connectivity, 5G, security assessment of cross-border data transfer (CBDT), cybersecurity law, members expressed interest in getting to know and exchanging ideas with other members who are doing innovation.

  • 2024-03-13 | 18:30 - 21:00
  • Residence G

Enhance your strategic leadership skills with our program, focusing on vital aspects like competitive advantage management, connecting external changes to business reality, and linking broad factors to actionable strategies. Gain insights into team performance's impact on the business environment, visualize and track performance metrics effectively, and optimize organizational interdependencies for strategic success. This program provides a comprehensive approach to strategic leadership, empowering impactful decision-making in today's dynamic business landscape.

  • 2024-03-12 - 2024-03-13 | 09:30 - 17:30
  • Boardroom 26/F, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Certified Public Accountants LLP 26楼德勤华永会计师事务所董事会议室

To celebrate Women's Day, European Chanmber Shenyang Chapter and Roicare Hospital&Clinics have specially planned an event themed around "Women's Life Cycle and Enhancing Female Confidence." This event aims to explore the challenges and opportunities women face at different stages of their life cycle, while emphasizing the importance of confidence in women's growth and development. Through a series of exciting speeches, interactive discussions, and workshops, we hope to provide participants with inspirational insights and practical strategies to enhance their self-awareness, self-esteem, and confidence. We believe that through collective exploration and sharing, every woman can find strength and inspiration in their own lives, becoming more confident and influential individuals. We welcome all friends interested in women's growth and development to join us in celebrating the power and charm of women.


  • 2024-03-07 | 10:00 - 12:00
  • Huanggu Wanxiang Hui 4F Membership Center 皇姑万象汇4F会员中心
Members only
South China > Social

Women's Day Networking dinner

Join us to celebrate International Women's Day! We warmly invite member companies and remarkable women from the business community to join the discussion, where sharing experiences and insights will strengthen our community. This gathering serves as a platform for meaningful connections. Your presence is eagerly awaited as we come together to honour women's achievements and foster progress!

  • 2024-03-06 | 18:30 - 21:00
  • Residence G 深圳G公寓

With the rapid development of information technology, society has placed higher demands on the telecommunications industry. Telecom operators are increasingly demanding more from their suppliers. TL 9000 is a quality management system applicable to all suppliers in the supply chain of telecommunications products. TL 9000 specifies that organizations providing various types of products should collect relevant data as required by the measurement handbook and regularly submit data to designated agencies via the internet to measure and evaluate the results of the organization's quality management system implementation. This facilitates customers in identifying high-quality suppliers. It also enables organizations to understand their performance levels in the industry, conduct organizational performance assessments, and improvements. This promotes synchronous improvement across all levels of the supply chain, ultimately aiding in the improvement of processes and products for the entire industry.
随着信息技术的迅猛发展,社会对电信业提出了更高的要求。电信业的营运商对其供方提出了越来越多的要求。TL 9000 就是适用于所有提供电信产品的供应链上的所有供方的质量管理体系。TL 9000规定了提供各类型产品的组织应按测量手册中的要求,收集相关的数据,并定期通过网络向指定的机构申报数据,以用来度量和评价组织质量管理系统的实施结果。以便于客户从中寻找优质供应商。同时使组织了解自己在业界的业绩水平,进行组织绩效评估和改进。从而促进各级供应链的同步提高,最终为全行业的过程和产品改进提供帮助。

  • 2024-03-05 - 2024-03-07 | 10:00 - 17:00
  • Online Training

The full English name of GD&T is "Geometric Dimensioning and Geometric Tolerancing", which can be understood domestically as "dimension and geometric tolerance specifications". It includes two parts: dimensioning and geometric tolerancing. This course will guide students to analyze the advantages of GD&T in design, assembly, inspection, and application, helping them understand and learn to apply GD&T.
GD&T 的英文全称是“Geometric Dimensioning and geometric Tolerancing”, 国内可以理解为“尺寸和几何公差规范”。其中包含尺寸标注和几何公差两部分内容。本课程将引导学员剖析GD&T 在设计、装配、检测和应用等等方面的优点,让学员理解并学会应用 GD&T。

  • 2024-03-04 - 2024-03-05 | 10:00 - 17:00
  • Online Training

CQI-9 Special Process: Heat Treatment System Assessment (HTSA) Version 4 was released by the Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) Heat Treatment Work Group in June 2020. The three major automotive companies in the United States, namely DaimlerChrysler, Ford, and General Motors, all require heat treatment system assessments in their customer-specific requirements. All heat treatment suppliers must be evaluated according to CQI-9. HTSA is also a requirement for internal audits and second-party assessments of heat treatment processes within many international Tier 1 component supplier groups.
CQI-9 特殊过程:热处理系统评估Heat Treatment System Assessment(HTSA)第 4 版由美国汽车工业行动集团 AIAG 热处理工作组于 2020 年 6 月发布。美国戴姆勒克莱斯勒、福特、通用三大汽车公司在其顾客特殊要求中均对热处理系统评审提出要求,凡是热处理供应商都必须按 CQI-9 进行评估。HTSA 也是众多国际一级零部件供应商集团内审与二方针对热处理过程评估的要求。

  • 2024-03-04 - 2024-03-06 | 10:00 - 17:00
  • Online Training


The European Chamber of Commerce in China has cooperated with TUV to implement a series of manufacturing-related training courses. In order to help our members formulate the training plans for 2024, we hereby provide you with a list of course plan. If you need more details of the courses, please contact Ms. Mo Jingqian, events manager of the European Chamber of Commerce in China.

  • 2024-02-27 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Guangzhou, Shenzhen, etc